USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Social norms influence the meaning and value of food as well as roles and expectations. Updated in 2023 after user testing, this guide is for nutrition program planners and implementers planning norm-responsive activities within nutrition-sensitive or nutrition-specific programming. The guide includes tips and tools to improve program outcomes by understanding and responding to social norms at key points in the program cycle and incorporates background on how to identify norms and monitoring and measuring normative change.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Les normes sociales influencent la signification et la valeur de la nourriture ainsi que les rôles et les attentes. Ce guide s'adresse aux planificateurs et aux responsables de la mise en oeuvre des programmes de nutrition qui prévoient des activités répondant aux normes dans le cadre de programmes sensibles ou spécifiques à la nutrition. Le guide du programme fournit des conseils de haut niveau sur la conception et le développement de programmes répondant aux normes.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Nutrition and livelihood initiatives with a focus on nutrition have been going on in various states in India for decades. However, the focus on agriculture for nutrition outcomes––better known as nutrition-sensitive agriculture––is a very recent priority in the country, and that to negligible investment in the state of Assam.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Este infográfico de uma página descreve seis comportamentos essenciais específicos para a nutrição que, segundo pesquisas, levarão a melhores resultados nutricionais.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
In April 2022, USAID published its Climate Strategy 2022–2030, The strategy commits USAID to supporting actions across sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help partner countries adapt to climate impacts and build resilience to climate change.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Malnutrition remains a major public health issue in Ghana, with nearly 18 percent of children under five being stunted, 12 percent being underweight, and six percent being wasted (GSS and ICF 2023). Among the key factors that have hindered progress in addressing the malnutrition situation over the years is the lack of collaboration and coordination among the various sectors and actors in planning for nutrition and rolling out multi-sectoral interventions.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The project was intended to contribute to development objective (DO) 1 (socio-economic opportunities improved to deter irregular migration), intermediate result (IR) 1.3 (vulnerability to key shocks and stresses decreased), and Sub-IR 1.3.1 (access to and use of nutritious food increased), under the USAID/Honduras Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 2020-2025.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The Government of Burkina Faso has adopted a multi-sectoral approach to address the country’s nutrition challenges. The Politique Nationale Multisectorielle de Nutrition 2020–2029 (National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Policy 2020–2029) (PNMN) and its five-year strategic plan Plan Stratégique Multisectoriel de Nutrition 2020–2024 (Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategic Plan 2020–2024) (PSMN) guide the implementation of a wide range of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive activities. The U.S.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This report examines the existing coordination platforms across the nutrition specific and sensitive sectors to inform alignment of multi-sectoral nutrition in Kakamega County.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This is a guide for trainers of a class on adolescent and women’s nutrition and anemia, developed by the USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyzstan team.