The Government of Burkina Faso has adopted a multi-sectoral approach to address the country’s nutrition challenges. The Politique Nationale Multisectorielle de Nutrition 2020–2029 (National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Policy 2020–2029) (PNMN) and its five-year strategic plan Plan Stratégique Multisectoriel de Nutrition 2020–2024 (Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategic Plan 2020–2024) (PSMN) guide the implementation of a wide range of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive activities. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided technical and financial support to the Government of Burkina Faso through the USAID Advancing Nutrition project to support the Government of Burkina Faso with the implementation of the PNMN and PSMN.