USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Основная цель данного руководства - поддержание продовольственной безопасности и улучшение круглогодичной доступности к полноценному и разнообразному питанию с целью укрепления здоровья сообществ. Безопасное хранение и переработка продуктов питания помогают разнообразить рацион семьи, обеспечивая круглогодичный доступ к фруктам и овощам, используя самые простые способы хранения и переработки в домашних условиях.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Бул колдонмонун негизги максаты - азык-түлүк коопсуздугун сактоо жана жыл бою ар түрдүү тамактанууга шарт түзүү менен жамааттарда түрдүү азыктардын жеткиликтүүсүн жогорулатуу. Үй шартында тамак азыктарынын коопсуз сакталышын жана кайра иштетилишин эң жөнөкөй ыкмаларды колдонуп, жашылча жана мөмө жемиштери менен жыл бою ар түрдүу тамактанууга шарт түзүү. Ошондой эле, бул колдонмо улуттук кыргыз тамактарынын рецепттерин камтыйт жана кожолуктарда кеңири колдонулушун сунуштайт, колдонмо USAID “Мыкты азыктануу” долбоорунун алкагында иштелип чыккан.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
A manutenção de um estado nutricional adequado é um direito humano fundamental, sendo também um pré-requisito para o desenvolvimento económico de um País. Em Moçambique, 43% das crianças menores de cinco anos de idade sofrem de desnutrição crónica, e 6% sofrem de desnutrição aguda (IDS 2011). A desnutrição é um problema de saúde e aumenta os riscos de desenvolvimento de outras complicações no organismo, contribuindo para o aumento da mortalidade infantojuvenil no nosso País.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This study by USAID Advancing Nutrition examines the results from baseline, midterm, and endline surveys that were carried out using phone interviews in mid-to-late fall (parts of October through December) in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively. This report describes results from all three surveys, with a focus on the 2022 endline survey, and changes in outcome indicators between the midterm and endline surveys.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This guide is designed to help promote healthy and nutritious diets for families in the Kyrgyz Republic through the process of food preservation. Food preservation can help improve the diet of Kyrgyz families by ensuring year-round availability of vegetables, fruits, and other foods. This guide describes how families can use simple home storage and processing methods.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This is an IDA anemia clinical protocol, updated by the USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyzstan team.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This facilitator’s guide is adapted from the Infant and Young Child Feeding Project and the Infant and Young Child Nutrition men’s group package. It is a reference for male group leaders of the Father-to-Father Support Groups to facilitate group meetings at the community level. The guide provides step-by-step guidance for facilitating all 15 sessions of the infant and young child feeding and gender curriculum. The annexes in this document include a facilitator training agenda and a monthly meeting report template.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This training manual targets adult learners in agricultural producers’ networks and community health and nutrition workers in Senegal to illustrate the link between gender and nutrition. Specifically, it emphasizes men’s involvement in the management of household nutrition and health, encourages women’s participation in household decision-making, and promotes equal sharing of nutrition-sensitive tasks.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
These manuals are designed for training male group leaders to share information and encourage discussions on gender roles related to optimal infant and young child feeding practices.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The curriculum provides a progressive series of facilitated discussions, each 2 to 3 hours in length and conducted in the community. Initially participants meet separately in peer groups: mothers (beneficiaries), their husbands, and influential elders. At the end of each discussion, the groups come together to share their learning and build a shared vision for change. The original version of the curriculum has been adapted for several agricultural programs across different regions of Bangladesh.