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Effective nutrition governance ensures accountability, commitment, and leadership across multiple sectors and at all levels of government. Strong governance also facilitates coordination across those sectors, and contributes to a strong enabling environment for better nutrition. USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition have curated useful resources to support governments, USAID, and nutrition partners in their efforts to strengthen multi-sectoral nutrition governance in their countries of operation. For an overview of nutrition governance and learning from USAID Advancing Nutrition, visit our Governance and Coordination Technical Area Spotlight

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Seven children eating from a bowl on the floor (Source: Morgana Wingard, USAID)
Photo Credit: Morgana Wingard / USAID

Search the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Resource Bank

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Necessidade de um Maior Investimento em Recursos Humanos da área de Nutrição como Forma de Resposta à Elevada Prevalência da Desnutrição Crónica na Província de Nampula

USAID Advancing Nutrition,
Apesar de haver elevados níveis de desnutrição crónica e outras condições relacionadas com a nutrição, o investimento em recursos humanos para os serviços de nutrição na província de Nampula continua baixo. Este resumo é uma ferramenta de advocacia para ajudar a aumentar o investimento em recursos humanos para a nutrição nesta área de Moçambique.

USAID Nawiri Learning Brief: Governance and System Strengthening for Nutrition

This learning brief summarizes key findings and insights from an analysis of the role of governance systems and formal institutions in shaping patterns and trends in acute malnutrition. It proposes integrated interventions to strengthen the capacity of formal institutions and governance systems to provide a resilient enabling environment for sustainable reductions in persistent acute malnutrition.

USAID Nawiri Learning Brief: Government Sector Nutrition Policies and Strategies

Catholic Relief Services (CRS),
This learning brief summarizes findings from a literature review that explored government sector nutrition policies and strategies from the perspective of sustainably reducing acute malnutrition. The literature search focused on national and county nutrition policies and strategies.

Glossaire des Terminologies Utilisées dans le Contexte des Interventions Multisectorielles de Nutrition

USAID Advancing Nutrition, Government of Burkina Faso,
Plusieurs ministères sont impliqués dans la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique multisectoriel de nutrition du Burkina Faso. Ce document de référence national sur la terminologie liée à la nutrition fournit des définitions des termes techniques les plus couramment utilisés pour garantir que tous les acteurs utilisent un langage commun lorsqu'ils travaillent sur la politique, la planification, la mise en œuvre et le suivi de la nutrition.

Municipalities’ Organizational Capacity to Support the Implementation of the Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan in Burkina Faso

Dieudonne Diasso, Maimouna Halidou Doudou, Mohamed Cheikh Levrak, Holly Dente Sedutto, and Aly Savadogo,
This article facilitates understanding and analyzing of nutrition organizational capacities at the municipal level in Burkina Faso to support the scaling up of interventions within the National Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan.

Operationalizing Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Programs To Accelerate Progress: A Nutrition Governance Perspective

World Bank Group: Ali Winoto Subandoro, Silvia Holschneider, Julie Ruel-Bergeron ,
The report documents and synthesize implementation experiences, challenges, and opportunities in operationalizing large-scale multi-sectoral nutrition projects that emphasize and strengthen governance. This report highlights experiences from seven countries supported by the World Bank and Global Financing Facility—Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malawi, Nigeria, and Rwanda.

Measuring and Monitoring Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Collaboration: Guidance and Considerations

USAID Advancing Nutrition,
Collaboration is integral to improving nutrition outcomes. USAID Advancing Nutrition developed guidance for USAID Missions and implementing partners on how to monitor and assess collaboration as part of multi-sectoral nutrition projects.

Scaling Up Nutrition Strategy 3.0 (2021–2025)

Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN),
The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy 2021–2025 outlines the priorities and thinking of SUN for this cycle. It provides information on the SUN Movement 2021–2025 strategic framework and objectives.

REFS Food Systems Conceptual Framework

USAID Advancing Nutrition,
The Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS) designed the Food Systems Conceptual Framework to articulate the contribution of USAID to strengthening food systems and provide high-level operational guidance on building more resilient communities and sustainably reducing hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.

Nutrition/Resilience Governance Study #2 Synthesis Report

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ),
This report synthesizes findings from a study commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Society for International Cooperation [GiZ]) in 2020 which assessed whether the packages of interventions supported by the Global Program on Food and Nutrition Security Enhanced Resilience were effectively supporting nutrition governance in its 12 countries of operation.

Effective Nutrition Governance is Correlated with Better Nutrition Outcomes in Nepal

Namirembe, Grace, Robin Shrestha, Julieta Mezzano, et al.,
Data collected to determine the relationship between the Nutrition Governance Index (NGI) and anthropometry highlight the importance of effective management of policy-based programming and resource use to produce nutrition gains. The NGI explains variation in height-for-age and weight-for-height, underscoring the important role that good governance plays in promoting child nutrition and growth.

Transitioning Nutrition Financing from USAID to Domestic Resources: Guidance Note

USAID Advancing Nutrition,
Sustainable financing for nutrition often occurs when nutrition activities and investments are incorporated into government-managed budgets and backed by predictable financing from domestic revenues. This guidance provides recommendations for USAID to establish practices to improve the long-term sustainability of USAID nutrition programming by transitioning to domestic plans and resources.

Improving Health Outcomes Through Strengthened Governance

Health Policy Plus,
This brief provides a framework around health governance that implementers can apply to nutrition governance. It explores 1) self-reliance with key governance actors; 2) the link between citizen, civil society, and the State; 3) the link between the State and providers.

Catalogue des principales sources de données en nutrition au Burkina Faso

National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NiPN),
Ce document présente des informations sur les données multisectorielles sur la nutrition disponibles au Burkina Faso, y compris une liste des systèmes d'information, les types de données disponibles et la fréquence de collecte.

Budget Analysis for Nutrition: A Guidance Note for Countries

Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN),
This budget analysis guidance note presents best practices that emerged from a budget analysis conducted by 51 countries between 2013 and 2020.

What Is the Role of Civil Society in Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Systems? A Multi-Country Review

Heidi Busse, Namukolo Covic, Ashley Aakesson, Wellington Jogo,
This article addresses knowledge gaps on structuring civil society participation in nutrition governance systems, the relative benefits of its engagement, and measures for evaluating the contributions to intended and unintended outcomes of nutrition governance systems.

A Toolkit on Multi-Sectoral Planning for Nutrition

Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+),
This toolkit documents approaches, lessons learned, and positive practices for multi-sectoral nutrition from a range of countries part of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement. Modules include guidance on topics including planning; developing a results framework, costing and financing; and monitoring, evaluation, and learning.

Assessing Multi-Sectoral Coordination for Nutrition Policy Effectiveness: Analysis of Facilitators, Constraints, and Solutions for Implementation in Ethiopia

Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy: Eileen Kennedy, Meghan Kershaw, Sibhatu Biadgilign, Rahel Gizaw, Jennifer Stickland ,
This study is a follow-up to research conducted in 2013–2014. The aim of the research was to ascertain the factors that have enabled and sustained effective multi-sectoral coordination to inform ongoing support through current activities.

Approaches for Nutrition Costing and Financial Tracking in SUN Countries | Approches de calcul des coûts et de suivi financier de la nutrition dans les pays SUN

Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+),
This brief and guidance note discuss approaches for costing and tracking financial expenditures related to nutrition. Cette note d'information et cette note d'orientation discutent des approches de chiffrage et de suivi des dépenses financières liées à la nutrition.

Social and Behavior Change Do’s and Don’ts: Getting It Right for Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Programming

USAID Advancing Nutrition,
This tool helps nutrition program planners and implementers improve quality at every stage of multi-sectoral nutrition social and behavior change from design to delivery, monitoring, and adaptation.

Measuring Governance, Advocacy, and Power: A Guide to Existing Indicators, Tools, and Indices: Framing Document

Results for Development (R4D),
This guide for organizations seeking to measure progress related to governance. Although not specific to nutrition, the concepts may be relevant for nutrition governance measurement.

The Governance Report 2019: Health Governance

The Hertie School of Governance,
This report highlights key challenges for healthcare systems, identifies governance best practices, and discusses potential solutions to effectively meet the needs of health systems and the people served by and working with them.

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy: First Periodic Assessment, 2018

This report summarizes progress made on the implementation of USAID's Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy in its nutrition focus countries and provides insights into how to adapt and strengthen implementation.

Brief: The DNCC Initiative Approach and Lessons Learned

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This brief summarizes the approach and key lessons learned from the support provided to 10 District Nutrition Coordination Committees (DNCC) in Uganda through the DNCC Initiative implemented by the Food and Agriculture NutritionTechnical Assistance project.

DNCC Initiative Approach to Strengthening Nutrition Governance in Uganda: Implementation Guide

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This document outlines the approach used by the Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance project in Uganda to strengthen nutrition governance through the District Nutrition Coordination Committee initiative. This initative supported 10 district nutrition coordination committees across Uganda.

Fostering Joint Accountability Within Health Systems: Training Curriculum, Guidance for a Participatory Assessment of Accountability Linkages, and Action Steps for Advocates

Health Policy Plus: Andrea Vazzano, Alyson Lipsky, Sue Richiedei, and Anne Jorgensen,
Implementers can use this roadmap to increase knowledge of accountability within health systems. The material was developed under the Health Policy Plus (HP+) project—a five-year project funded by USAID to advance equitable and sustainable health programming in human immunodeficiency virus, maternal and child health, and family planning.

District Nutrition Coordination Committee Initiative: Year 2 Lessons Learned

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This report summarizes lessons learned from the second year of support provided to District Nutrition Committees (DNCC) in 10 districts in Uganda through the DNCC Initative supported by the Food and Agriculture NutritionTechnical Assistance project.

Uganda Monitoring and Support Supervision Checklists and Monthly Reporting Form for Nutrition Coordination Committees

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This set of checklists and a quarterly reporting form for nutrition coordination committees in Uganda will monitor, report on, and track progress of nutrition governance and multi-sectoral nutrition action plan activities at all levels of local government.

Brief: Experiences in Planning for Nutrition at the Local Government Level

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
The document describes how Uganda’s nutrition planning process was strengthened through the efforts of the District Nutrition Coordination Committee (DNCC) Initiative, a partnership that worked with district nutrition coordination committees in 10 districts in the north and southwest of Uganda from 2014 to 2016.

Uganda Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Planning (MSNAP) Training Module

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
The Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Planning Training Module will assist in facilitating multi-sectoral nutrition action planning workshops for nutrition coordination committees in Uganda. It includes a guide for facilitators, participant handbook, and accompanying PowerPoint presentations.

Uganda Nutrition Advocacy Planning Workshop Guide for Districts and Lower Local Governments

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
The Food and Agriculture NutritionTechnical Assistance project developed this guide to support Uganda’s nutrition coordination committees and local leaders to create nutrition advocacy implementation plans for local governments. It includes samples and templates for adaptation.

Strengthening Nutrition Governance: FANTA Achievements and Lessons Learned

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This report describes the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project's collaborative approach to strengthening nutrition governance.

Brief: Ensuring Consistency Across Nutrition Coordination Committees: Composition, Roles, and Responsibilities

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This brief provides detailed information on the roles and responsibilities of district nutrition coordination committees in Uganda.

Uganda Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Coordination Committee Orientation Package

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This orientation package helps stakeholders establish and operationalize multi-sectoral nutrition coordination committees in Uganda. The information on the nutrition situation and policy and policy environment can help strengthen the capacity of nutrition coordination committees at the local government level.

The MSP Guide: How to Design and Facilitate Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

The Wageningen Centre of Development Innovation: Herman Brouwer and Jim Woodhill with Minu Hemmati, Karèn Verhoosel and Simone van Vugt,
This guide explains the process and rationale for undertaking multi-stakeholder partnerships. It provides a wide range of tools and guidance to support analysis, planning, and decision-making.

Optimizing the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy Cycle: A Systems Perspective

Based on data collected in Ethiopia, Nepal, and Uganda, this compendium of articles provides an overview of the current state of evidence and thinking on the multi-sectoral nutrition policy cycle.

Prioritizing and Funding Nepal’s Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan

Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, Madhukar B Shrestha, Monica Biradavolu, Kusum Hachhethu, Robin Houston, Indu Sharma, Jolene Wun,
This article describes the results of research into how Nepal’s multi-sectoral nutrition plan influenced the process of priority setting and budgeting from 2014 to 2016.

Working Towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Turning Nutrition Policy into Action in Uganda’s Dokolo District

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This success story describes how the Dokolo District Nutrition Coordination Committee in Uganda translated the national-level nutrition policy into action through the incorporation of nutrition activities into district work plans.

District Nutrition Coordination Committee Initiative: Year 1 Lessons Learned

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This report summarizes lessons learned from the first year of support provided to District Nutrition Committees (DNCC) in 10 districts in Uganda through the DNCC Initiative supported by the Food and Agriculture NutritionTechnical Assistance project.

Prioritizing and Funding the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan

Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, Alexis D'Agostino, Nancy Adero, Hannah Foehringer Merchant, Abel Muzoora, Ezekiel Mupere, Edgar Agaba, Lidan Du,
This study tracks the influence of the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan on the process of priority setting and funding for nutrition in Uganda from 2013 to 2015.

Independent Comprehensive Evaluation of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement

Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN),
In mid-2014, the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group commissioned an independent comprehensive evaluation of the SUN Movement to assess the value it adds to efforts to scale up nutrition. The evaluation helped examine the Movement’s efficiency, relevance, and effectiveness.

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy: 2014–2025

This document presents USAID’s approach to working with partners to scale up effective, integrated nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions, programs, and systems across humanitarian and development contexts.

Integration of Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Interventions into the Development Planning Process at District Level

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This presentation discusses how district-level planning processes in Uganda integrated multi-sectoral nutrition.

A Nutrition Governance Framework: Why It Matters for Scale-Up and Sustainability

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This presentation discusses the importance of nutrition governance and various frameworks that implementers can use to analyze and strengthen it.

Tanzania: Coordinating Multi-Sectoral Stakeholders to Address Nutrition

Food and Agriculture Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA),
This presentation discusses how working through the Prime Minister's Office strengthened nutrition governance in Tanzania.

Landscape Analysis on Countries’ Readiness to Accelerate Action in Nutrition: Country Assessment Tools

This tool presents the World Health Organization’s approach to assessing where and how to best invest to accelerate action in nutrition. The tool includes three components: 1) a desk analysis of country readiness, 2) in-depth country assessments, 3)the Nutrition Landscape Information System.

Fighting Maternal and Child Malnutrition: Analyzing the Political and Institutional Determinants of Delivering a National Multi-Sectoral Response in Six Countries

Institute of Development Studies ,
This study compares government nutrition strategies in six countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Zambia. Its purpose is to go beyond the notion of “political will” and explore governments' commitment to adopting and implementing a national nutrition strategy, and create effective incentives, motivations, and alliances so that policymakers deliver appropriate and comprehensive nutrition policy in the long-run.