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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This technical brief aims to describe USAID Advancing Nutrition’s technical assistance to the government of Mozambique from 2019-2022, including our challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for future efforts.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition delivered the following posters, oral presentations, and symposiums at the Micronutrient Forum Global Conference from October 16–20 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This guide supports adolescents in making healthy dietary decisions. It outlines the major food groups and macronutrients that should comprise each meal, as well as the appropriate quantity, timing, and cooking method of meals to implement to optimize the nutrition of a meal. It concludes with examples of meals and a set of practical tips on sanitary practices and reading food labels.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This atlas provides an extensive list of the staple foods and drinks available in Cameroon, categorized by major food group. It provides brief information on each item, its use in Cameroon, and details on its caloric and macronutrient content in its various forms and commonly derived meals (e.g., raw, boiled, and porridge bananas).
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This facilitator's guide is a companion to the I Eat Well To Stay Healthy guide to train facilitators (teachers and peer educators) in using and understanding the guide. Facilitators can use this facilitator's guide to conduct discussion sessions in schools and with adolescents in general to on each theme developed in the guide.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This infographic was developed to educate adolescents on the importance of a balanced diet containing the appropriate amounts of food from all the major food groups. It includes a diagram showing the recommended daily servings of each food group, the recommended composition of a plate of food, and important reminders and tips such as consuming clean drinking water and healthier alternatives to foods that are high in sugar.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This infographic provides information on the double burden of malnutrition and obesity in Cameroon and highlights the importance of providing robust nutrition education in schools to support children and adolescents in improving their diet. It focuses on the systems, laws, and policies that govern health, food, the food industry, and media.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Ce guide forme les vendeurs de produits alimentaires dans les écoles aux pratiques sûres de préparation des aliments et à la manière d'optimiser les bienfaits nutritionnels des aliments. Il décrit les principaux groupes alimentaires, les nutriments dérivés de chacun, les pratiques de cuisson hygiéniques et les méthodes de cuisson qui permettent de conserver le contenu le plus nutritionnel des ingrédients.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This brief describes findings from a study conducted in Peru to assess responsive feeding behaviors and mothers' recall of them. The goal of the study was to identify reliable indicators for responsive feeding that can be obtained through mother interviews in large-scale surveys.
Focus Area Subpage
