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Published by:
RSD Institute
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This atlas provides an extensive list of the staple foods and drinks available in Cameroon, categorized by major food group. It provides brief information on each item, its use in Cameroon, and details on its caloric and macronutrient content in its various forms and commonly derived meals (e.g., raw, boiled, and porridge bananas).

Cet atlas fournit une liste complète des aliments et boissons de base disponibles au Cameroun, classés par grand groupe alimentaire. Il fournit de brèves informations sur chaque article, son utilisation au Cameroun, et des détails sur sa teneur en calories et en macronutriments sous ses diverses formes et dans les repas couramment dérivés (par exemple, bananes crues, bouillies et en bouillie).

Geographic focus of document:
Language of document:
Adolescent location:
Both urban and rural
Adolescent schooling:
Adolescent marital status:
Adolescent gender:
Adolescent age group:
All age groups
Location of service delivery / program implementation:
Thumbnail of report cover, with a photo that has various fruits and vegetables spread out on a table.

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