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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

In this webinar experts from three countries discussed the challenges of integrating nutrition into pre-service training and their experiences using this tool to meet some of those challenges. Panelists also discussed how to advocate for improved nutrition content in pre-service training.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition’s HEME project has supported a laboratory-based multi-site study to compare Hb measurements from venous, pooled capillary, and single-drop capillary blood samples on different HemoCue® Hb models against a reference standard. In this webinar, speakers present the rationale, methods, and preliminary results of the study, and primary investigators share their varied experiences in carrying out the study under controlled laboratory conditions.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This is an analytical report that looks at the results of focus group discussions with women with children under two, community activists, primary health care workers and their mentor/supervisors supported by the USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyz Republic project.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This is a journal article written by the USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyzstan team to evaluate the project’s impact on health and nutrition behaviors and the sustainability of that impact through reduced intervention intensity one year later.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This is a technical brief produced by USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyz Republic that discusses the overall anemia situation in the country, outlines what the project has done to address this, and discusses key next steps and suggestions for future work in this field.
Focus Area Subpage

Country profiles visualize country-level data, policies, and programs to three years to help improve both nutrition and ECD outcomes.

USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition in collaboration with UNICEF, WHO, and GFF developed a learning agenda to strengthen counseling within growth monitoring and promotion services.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This document summarizes the results of an assessment in Kenya’s Western and Eastern Provinces to learn how to best engage men in support of healthy maternal dietary and infant and young child feeding practices.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Les praticiens et les bailleurs de fonds doivent mieux comprendre la diversité des approches alimentaires locales utilisées pour gérer l'émaciation modérée. L'objectif de ces études de cas est de documenter la façon dont les approches utilisant des aliments disponibles localement pour gérer l'émaciation modérée sont mises en oeuvre dans différents contextes et de comprendre les résultats de ces efforts en tant que contribution aux efforts mondiaux en cours pour développer des orientations programmatiques afin de mieux traiter l'émaciation modérée.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Anemia among women of reproductive age and young children remains a major public health concern. This study describes the anemia prevalence among young hospitalized children and their mothers in Northern Lao PDR, and explores possible nutritional causes and risk factors for anemia.