USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This report examines the existing coordination platforms across the nutrition specific and sensitive sectors to inform alignment of multi-sectoral nutrition in Kitui County.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This report examines the existing coordination platforms across the nutrition specific and sensitive sectors to inform alignment of multi-sectoral nutrition in Kisumu County.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
USAID Advancing Nutrition collaborated with Transform Nutrition to study the effect of an integrated program that included responsive care, early learning, nutrition, and sanitation and hygiene activities on early childhood development outcomes in 12 districts in Nampula province, Mozambique. The study also examined the feasibility, acceptability, and implementation experience of the integrated program and support validation of the Global Scale of Early Development (GSED).
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This report details the process that USAID Advancing Nutrition used to develop, adapt, and test the RCEL Addendum in two settings and the associated findings and lessons on the package’s feasibility and acceptability. It is a companion report to and expands upon the information in the implementation brief "Supporting Children to Thrive: Using the Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum to Improve Child Nutrition and Development".
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
USAID Advancing Nutrition implemented a mixed-method quasi-experimental evaluation to understand the experience and effects of integrating responsive caregiving and early learning (RCEL) content and supporting and monitoring ECD within a community-led group-based intervention in Mozambique. In this brief, we present findings from the qualitative component of the evaluation, which comprised semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with 60 respondents and thematic analysis to explore the feasibility, acceptability, and implementation of this integration.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements: What to Communicate to Program Participants - Annex I. Counseling Cards for Adaptation.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This 12-page booklet describes, in simple terms, appropriate nutritional practices for children of different ages (i.e., infants under 6 months, children 6 months to 1 year, children 1 to 2 years, and children over 2). The booklet serves as a helpful resource for mothers and caregivers, and includes summaries of appropriate complementary feeding, optimal handwashing practices, and infant growth charts.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This resource collection aims to help program managers design and implement more holistic and integrated emergency nutrition programming by improving understanding of a variety of mechanisms including cash and voucher assistance, targeted lipid-based nutrient supplementation, agriculture, social and behavior change, complementary feeding, and wasting management. Use the search or filters below to find resources relevant to your work.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
The report identifies common approaches and barriers to engaging men in programming and considerations for the design, implementation, monitoring, and sustainability of engagement activities that minimize risk and ensure women’s agency and safety.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Recommendations offered in this report include engaging in more rigorous monitoring; developing guidance on the minimum nutrition composition of recipes using local foods; studying the effectiveness of local versus commercially prepared specially formulated foods; identifying benefits of complementary activities; conducting costing studies to identify tradeoffs between program duration, outcomes, and cost; and updating the NutVal tool.