News and Features
The Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) hosts an annual meeting to share, learn, and reflect on lessons from the previous year. The 2022 meeting took place virtually, over the course of two weeks.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFN) are key players in coordinating food and nutrition interventions across states in Nigeria. The USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria scoping exercise identified the need to assess SCFN capacity to perform oversight functions in nutrition activities. This report presents results from the assessment in Sokoto State. There are accompanying reports for Kebbi and Bauchi States.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFN) are key players in coordinating food and nutrition interventions across states in Nigeria. The USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria scoping exercise identified the need to assess SCFN capacity to perform oversight functions in nutrition activities. This report presents results from the assessment in Kebbi State. There are accompanying reports for Bauchi and Sokoto States.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFN) are key players in coordinating food and nutrition interventions across states in Nigeria. The USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria scoping exercise identified the need to assess SCFN's capacity to perform oversight functions in nutrition activities. This report presents results from the assessment in Bauchi State. There are accompanying reports for Kebbi and Sokoto States.
Job Posting
The conference, Accelerating Progress towards the 2030 SDGs – Reducing inequities in child health, is currently scheduled for June 6-7, 2023 and the save the date announcement has been shared with the members. A call for abstracts will be sent out in February and the Conference Planning Committee will review the abstracts under each thematic track (see below) to decide on the concurrent session. The conference will be fully virtual and hosted on an online mini-website/conference platform.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
A skilled workforce is critical for the provision of nutrition services at the frontline or primary care level and, ultimately, achieving better health outcomes. For frontline providers of nutrition services to detect potential nutrition issues; support treatment; and facilitate prevention through counseling, supplementation, and treatment of underlying issues, educational institutions must equip them with the necessary competencies.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This technical resource guide, along with the complementary technical brief, is designed to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners working in nutrition and food security to plan, implement, and evaluate gender-sensitive social and behavioral change programming in order to improve nutritional outcomes for pregnant and lactating women and children under 2.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This is a review report that looks at current and former food fortification promotion messages, interventions, materials, and tools and reviews the industry marketing strategies, interventions, materials and tools for industrial fortified foods.
News and Features
Almost half of all deaths for children under 5 are attributable to malnutrition — this is why improving nutrition is imperative to achieving USAID’s global maternal and child survival goals.
Researchers and program managers from low- and middle-income countries share their experiences on assessment and interpretation.