USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The Microsoft Excel-based planning and costing tool estimates the quantity and cost of inputs to establish and scale-up nutrition assessment, counseling, and support services at national, provincial, and district levels. The tool uses an activity-based costing approach for service delivery, training, supervision, commodities, logistics, startup governance, and routine governance.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This legacy brief describes the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) Project’s multi-sectoral nutrition work in Uganda from 2007 to 2014. With the overall objective to strengthen nutrition programming, FANTA worked with the Government of Uganda to increase the country’s awareness of and commitment to malnutrition; build its capacity to plan for, deliver, and monitor integrated nutrition services across sectors; and strengthen information sharing and learning among partners.
News and Features
Staff participated in the Global Nutrition Symposium on Improving Human Nutrition and Incomes through Effective Livestock Research and Extension Partnerships in Kathmandu, Nepal.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This infographic shows the steps health workers should take to provide nutrition assessment, counseling, and support services.
Anemia Toolkit
This narrative review describes methods, equipment, and sample-related and quality control aspects of hemoglobin measurement for the diagnosis of anemia.
Anemia Toolkit
This narrative review describes the determinants of anemia and outlines opportunities for comprehensive anemia programming, systems strengthening, and implementation research approaches for preschool children, adolescent girls, and pregnant and nonpregnant women of reproductive age
Anemia Toolkit
This narrative review describes the causes and risk factors, and related data needs for reducing anemia for different population subgroups within a country and presents principles for the design and implementation of effective strategies to prevent and treat anemia.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This toolbox highlights the tools and resources that the U.S. Government and its partners use to address global food security and nutrition challenges throughout the world. These tools support the main objectives of the Global Food Security Strategy.
Anemia Toolkit
This study evaluates the impact of an infant and young child feeding intervention (with small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements) on anemia and growth in children aged 6–18 months in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
News and Features
Social support programs and services can play a critical role in advancing women’s #nutrition around the world.