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USAID Advancing Nutrition supported Kenya’s Kisumu County in developing a new strategy to enhance access to and availability of nutritious food for families and communities.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This study finds that boys in India had higher rates of stunting and wasting, and bottle feeding increased the odds of wasting, severe stunting, underweight, and obesity. Bottle feeding increased the odds of wasting and severe stunting, and delaying the introduction of complementary feeding increased the odds of severe stunting. Child minimum dietary standards were rarely achieved. It is vital to develop setting- and age-specific interventions to improve child-feeding practices.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Adolescents in Kenya skipped meals and reduced the amount and variety of foods consumed during the COVID-19 pandemic and reported working in the informal sector and selling personal items to support their families. Authors recommend programming to strengthen and improve access to social protection measures and agricultural initiatives for vulnerable families with adolescents and help adolescents develop life skills to encourage good nutrition.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Consumers use knowledge, lived experiences, and concerns about food safety when making food choice decisions. Successful food safety policies must consider concerns of consumers and prioritize actions to reduce risks to the food supply.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Households engaged in urban agriculture (UA) reduced food expenditures by 3 percent and spent relatively more on protein rich foods including nuts, legumes, fruits, dairy products, meat, and poultry. However, there were significant variations in its impact across the food expenditure distribution. Larger and male-headed households and households practiced UA most often.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This guide provides practical advice, examples, and resources for planning and executing a successful social marketing campaign to improve nutrition outcomes.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This guidance helps agriculture project designers build nutrition and food security objectives into their projects rather than leave positive impacts to chance. By following this guidance during the initial planning stages, project designers can enhance nutritional impact and food security of vulnerable groups.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Designing climate-resilient food safety programs requires identifying which climate phenomena are most likely to become prominent. It also requires assessing regional changes in foodborne hazard occurrence and transport, changes in behaviors and practices to cope with climate impacts on food safety, and food system resilience through a food safety lens.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This brief offers recommendations to the new Kenyan government, including allocating sufficient funding, building policy coherence, strengthening the science-policy interface, and broadening the focus from a food security to a food systems approach. It also suggests accelerating the industrialization and commercialization of food systems, expanding smallholder access to food system activities, improving nutrition through production and consumption policies, and providing better opportunities for women to make food systems more productive.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This newsletter critiques the global industrial food system, argues for greater food sovereignty, and discusses the importance of democratizing food systems and engaging young people in this work.