USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted a study on fortified foods in Honduras and, based on the results and recommendations of the study, organized a meeting with several key stakeholders to develop an action plan to promote food fortification in the country.
News and Features
USAID Advancing Nutrition supported the launch of a nutrition campaign in Kara-Darya Ayil Okmotu, a rural village in the western part of Jalal-Abad Oblast in the Kyrgyz Republic.
News and Features
USAID Advancing Nutrition highlighted nutrition and wellness at a recent "Night at the Museum" event in the Kyrgyz Republic National History Museum.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted social and behavior change (SBC) formative research in the three intervention districts of Tinsukia, Goalpara, and Barpeta in Assam to inform the project’s SBC activities. The objective of the study was to understand the factors affecting the target population, including women and adolescent girls, from adopting key nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) and diet-related behaviors, as well as to receive input on preferred activities for addressing the identified factors.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
A redução dos índices de Desnutrição Crónica (baixa altura para idade) constitui uma prioridade do Governo de Moçambique, onde a média nacional é de 43% em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade. Segundo o Estudo de Base de SETSAN 1 2013, a província de Nampula apresenta uma das maiores taxas de prevalência de Desnutrição Crónica de 50.1%, ou seja, uma em cada duas crianças menores de cinco anos de idade não consegue atingir o seu potencial de crescimento físico, mental e cognitivo. A mesma fonte indica que a desnutrição aguda é estimada em 12% e o baixo peso a nascença em 15%.
Disability Resource Bank
This resource library compiles videos and booklets on the proper feeding of children with cerebral palsy.
Disability Resource Bank
This guide provides a series of indicative actions for disability inclusion at each stage of the program cycle.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
An inherent challenge in multipurpose sample surveys is choosing the appropriate number of households to sample. This report introduces a novel method of approaching the problem and suggests a sampling distribution of the unknown parameters to create a second statistical method. A comparison is made between the new proposed methods and two existing methods. The paper also provides a summary of the results in relation to all methods under consideration and recommendations for future use.
Children who experience wasting during early childhood are more likely to face long-term consequences, such as cognitive impairments and developmental delays. Since 2018, USAID Advancing Nutrition has collaborated with diverse nutrition stakeholders in the Democratic Republic of Congo to better understand and document ways to strengthen the continuum of care for the treatment and prevention of wasting in children under the age of 5.
USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria conducted capacity assessments to inform capacity strengthening plans for State Committees for Food and Nutrition in Bauchi, Kebbi, and Sokoto.