Nawiri Study
This implementation guide was originally developed to test USAID Nawiri’s approach to maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) in Samburu and Turkana.
Nawiri Study
USAID Nawiri adapted the BOMA Project’s Rural Entrepreneur Access Program (REAP) in a pilot to improve nutrition outcomes among participant households and their wider communities.
News and Features
Participants strengthened nutrition data analysis, use, and dissemination skills to improve nutrition surveillance in the East and Central Africa region.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) Project, together with select nongovernmental organizations operating in Zambia, conducted a technical review of three agriculture and food security activities that have documented results in nutrition-sensitive agriculture. SPRING conducted a systematic review of the key learning points from these three distinct activities.
Sustaining multi-sectoral nutrition programs and services depends on nutrition financing. How much does it cost?Global experts from the University of Washington, Results for Development, and Breakthrough RESEARCH shared new insights and resources to fill information gaps on costs, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefits of health and food systems strategies to combat malnutrition. Presenters opened discussions on how the experiences and resources can be used to advocate and scale up cost-effective nutrition programs and services including social and behavior change approaches.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Une main-d'oeuvre qualifiée est essentielle pour fournir des services de nutrition en première ligne ou au niveau des soins de santé primaires et, en fin de compte, pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats en matière de santé. Pour s'assurer que la main-d'oeuvre possède ces compétences, il faut mettre en oeuvre une variété d'approches pour développer et renforcer les compétences, y compris le mentorat, la formation continue, la formation en cours d'emploi, ainsi qu'une formation initiale de haute qualité, actualisée et fondée sur des données probantes.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges to public health and disrupted nutrition programs globally. USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted a learning activity to document COVID-19-related adaptations within USAID-funded nutrition investments to identify practices we can share to mitigate current and future challenges to nutrition program implementation.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Les systèmes alimentaires constituent l’épine dorsale des régimes alimentaires mondiaux. Ce document fournit une liste illustrative de comportements sensibles à la nutrition fondés sur des données probantes afin de susciter des idées et des discussions entre les concepteurs et les responsables de la mise en oeuvre des activités. Bien que cette liste puisse être utilisée comme une ressource autonome, elle sert également de complément au guide de l’USAID intitulé Guide de conception d’activités agricoles efficaces sensibles à la nutrition.
Project Leadership
With over 17 years of experience in senior positions, Monica Rodriguez is a project manager with technical expertise in food assistance, food security, nutrition programming, and emergency response. As the Chief of Nutrition for UNICEF Venezuela, she coordinated the nutrition strategy nationwide at a high level, working with the Ministry of Health, National Institute of Nutrition, and UNICEF implementing partners (both international and local NGOs) as part of the Venezuela Humanitarian response. Ms.
News and Features
Harnessing the Power of Radio to Reduce Micronutrient Deficiencies Among Women and Children in Niger
Co-creation workshop in Niger convenened local partners to develop radio programs and supporting materials to encouraging intake of iron and vitamin A to reduce micronutrient deficiencies.