In Niger, radio programs are widely used to promote positive behavior change in areas related to health, education, and agriculture. USAID Advancing Nutrition recently convened a co-creation workshop where central, regional and departmental representatives from the Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs, and other USAID-funded projects worked together to develop local radio programs and supporting print materials to encourage intake of iron and vitamin A through supplements and healthy diets—with the goal of reducing micronutrient deficiencies among pregnant and lactating women and young children. Broadcasts will include content addressing important factors such as family support, social and gender norms, and accessibility of iron and vitamin A rich foods—factors identified through formative research conducted by the project in Niger this past year.
The workshop, held in February 2023, focused on targeting the Maradi and Zinder regions of Niger, where high rates of micronutrient deficiency among women and children make them more vulnerable to infections and health problems. Building on the progress made during the workshop, USAID Advancing Nutrition will continue to support local partners to record and broadcast these radio programs through public and private radio stations and will also amplify related messages through community activities. Learn more about USAID Advancing Nutrition’s work in Niger.