USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Depuis 2019, l’USAID Advancing Nutrition a collaboré avec divers acteurs de la nutrition en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) pour mieux comprendre et documenter les moyens de renforcer le continuum de soins pour le traitement et la prévention de l’émaciation chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans.
According to the 2023 Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, 31.3 million children have moderate wasting. Despite this significant need, much of the global attention to wasting was focused on its severe form because of the higher associated mortality risk. However, the number of children with moderate wasting is significantly higher and managing it effectively is an important way to prevent moderate wasting from turning into severe wasting and corresponding mortality. Until recently, there was very little global guidance on the treatment of moderate wasting.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This implementation kit seeks to guide social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs looking to achieve complete integration, which is when multiple health sectors (e.g., family planning; HIV; and reproductive, maternal, and newborn health) jointly plan and implement activities and comprehensively address all relevant audiences. A completely integrated SBCC program is able to deliver cohesive and logically packaged SBCC interventions that unite divergent health areas.
In Ghana, USAID Advancing Nutrition is tackling malnutrition by strengthening community structures for social and behavior change.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Countries around the world use growth monitoring and promotion (GMP) as an entry point for preventive care and essential child health, nutrition, and development services, however programs have achieved varying levels of quality and success. Given its ubiquity and legacy, recent efforts have been made to rethink strengthening GMP in light of the Sustainable Development Goals. In particular, to address a persistent gap around counseling, USAID and partners developed a learning agenda building on previous global convenings, a desk review, and listening sessions.
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USAID Advancing Nutrition celebrated 3 years of collaboration in Kenya with stakeholders, promoting multi-sectoral nutrition.
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Implemented by health workers around the world, growth monitoring and promotion (GMP) is an approach that has the potential to prevent malnutrition.
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Jiupachi recognizes the linkages between HIV/AIDS, disability, and nutrition, and is working to prioritize crucial interventions to tackle malnutrition within the community.
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USAID Advancing Nutrition organized an online lullaby singing contest to promote the importance of engaging with young children to support their cognitive development.