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We had the opportunity to showcase the breadth and depth of the project’s technical expertise in evaluating caregiver needs, social and behavior change programming, and food environments at ANH 2023.

During this webinar, we summarized best practices and lessons learned related to SBC for complementary feeding.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This analysis found that the care group model for nutrition and health promotion was successful and should be continued or expanded. This report provides recommendations for improving the Feed the Future program in Malawi, based on significant change stories and input from nutrition promoters.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The tools provide information needed to plan, implement, monitor, and report on integration of quality nutrition services into routine health care and treatment, based on national and global references and standards. They are key components of Tanzania’s Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (2016−2021) to scale up high-impact nutrition interventions.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The relationship between poverty and malnutrition is evident in a wide range of contexts, but decades of development experience shows that even when incomes rise, households do not necessarily prioritize the purchase and consumption of diverse, nutrient-rich diets. Agricultural investments aimed at increasing income can therefore maximize their contribution to nutrition by considering the five key points described in this brief.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

To support the integration of nutrition assessment, counseling, and support, the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) Project helped develop a set of job aids to guide health care workers in preventing, identifying, and managing malnutrition in adults and children. The job aids include charts and look-up tables, guides on specialized food products, photos for identifying nutritional edema, and algorithms for determining steps to take to manage malnutrition.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) Project developed a package of nutrition assessment, counseling, and support training materials for community volunteers in Zambia. It is designed to guide facilitators in training community volunteers to provide nutrition screening, referral, and follow-up care at community level to prevent and manage malnutrition in people with chronic illnesses. The training materials include a facilitators guide and participant handouts.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This menu highlights key components of Focusing on Social Norms: A Practical Guide for Nutrition Programmers to Improve Women’s and Children’s Diets. It is meant to inspire programmers as they consider social norms in nutrition programming and is helpful for all types of programs and activities, whether they are multi-sectoral or focused on food or health systems. The menu offers formative research question examples, activity descriptions, and indicators for monitoring and evaluation plans, which are proven elements of successful norms-responsive activity design and measurement.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The Kakamega County stunting level stands at 11.5%, wasting at 1.5%, and underweight at 6.4% (KDHS, 2022). However, the county government demonstrates political commitment for preventing malnutrition by investing in the scale-up of selected high-impact MSN interventions. Kakamega County leadership and MSN stakeholders with the support of USAID Advancing Nutrition developed the County MSN approach, which sets priority targets for the scale-up of MSN interventions over the next five years. The MSN approach identifies priority MSN actions for each sector.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

With the support of USAID Advancing Nutrition, county leadership, and nutrition stakeholders, Kitui County developed the county MSN approach, which sets ambitious targets for the scale-up of nutrition interventions over the next five years. The plan identifies priority MSN actions for each sector, defines targets for each intervention, and provides a monitoring and accountability framework as well as costing of interventions, which the county can use for subsequent planning and budgeting.