USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Given the promise of digital tools to improve the quality of GMP services, we developed this guidance package, to facilitate the development of country-specific digital tools for the delivery and supervision of GMP services; save time and resources; reduce duplication of effort, errors, and inconsistencies; and ensure adherence to global guidance.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Квалифицированная рабочая сила имеет решающее значение для предоставления услуг в области питания на переднем крае или на уровне первичной медико-санитарной помощи и, в конечном итоге, для достижения лучших результатов в отношении здоровья. Для передовых поставщиков услуг в области питания для выявления потенциальных проблем с питанием; поддерживающее лечение; и способствовать профилактике посредством консультирования, дополнения и лечения основных проблем, образовательные учреждения должны вооружить их необходимыми компетенциями.
Digital tools have the ability to improve the quality of growth monitoring and promotion services by increasing health workers' adherence to protocols and guidelines.
News and Features
Read more about the importance of empowering women farmers and the impact of the Shibuye Community Health workers Organization in Kakamega County, Kenya.
News and Features
Kitui County is one of Kenya’s arid and semiarid areas, which makes it difficult to grow crops, leaving people vulnerable to malnutrition.
News and Features
Family-level support and community engagement can help promote optimal breastfeeding practices. Read about efforts to promote and protect breastfeeding in the Kyrgyz Republic.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This review focuses on how information and communication technologies (ICT) in agricultural extension can better promote behavior change in farmers, drawing on: (1) behavior change principles as evidenced across various sectors such as health, business, advertising and agriculture; (2) lessons learned from various ICT for development players and reports; and (3) approaches used by a subset of leading ICT innovators in agricultural extension.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This deliverable is a tool that was produced by the Kenyan government, with contributions from USAID Advancing Nutrition. The tool is intended to be use used to help counties track their expenditures in order to budget effectively for nutrition programming.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Ce guide est destiné aux planificateurs et aux responsables de la mise en oeuvre des programmes de nutrition qui visent à intégrer le genre dans les activités de nutrition multisectorielles au niveau mondial ou national. Ce guide partage des ressources et des exemples pour intégrer efficacement le genre à chaque phase d'un programme de nutrition. Utilisez ce guide si vous êtes en train de concevoir une activité, de mettre en oeuvre et de suivre une activité en cours, ou d'apprendre et d'adapter pour renforcer l'intégration du genre en vue d'améliorer les résultats de la nutrition.
Strong capacity strengthening design and measurement is the cornerstone of USAID’s localization strategy.