Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
In Bangladesh, delivering nutrition content to couples through female nutrition workers and male agriculture extension workers increased nutrition knowledge, household and individual diet quality, dietary diversity, and women’s empowerment. Training men to deliver nutrition messages may offer opportunities to scale and promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Information retention was higher when delivered by someone lower in the ethnic hierarchy while individual contributions to group-owned kitchen gardens increased more when training was delivered by those higher in the hierarchy. Education, group cohesion, and perceived trainer ability also impacted knowledge and contributions. Program staff should consider these factors to achieve greater success.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This implementation kit aims to help service delivery project managers effectively use service communication to enhance the impact of their project. This kit can be used to help increase demand for and uptake of services, and improve consistent long-term maintenance of healthy behaviors. It is designed to help users understand key service communication concepts, apply social and behavior change communication (SBCC) techniques to create successful communication activities, and learn how to better coordinate efforts with SBCC projects.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Investing in pre-service training is an especially effective and sustainable approach to improving nutrition services at scale. However, it requires a collaborative effort by all stakeholders—government ministries, academic institutions, professional associations, funders, and technical experts—to ensure curricula prepare frontline health workers to deliver quality nutrition services.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
This toolkit and interactive e-learning course provides instruction about collaborative learning methods and developing skills to effectively facilitate the process and introduce essential elements for successful Collaborative Learning Networks.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
This capacity assessment of State Committees for Food and Nutrition suggests several steps for strengthening them, including establishing and supporting functional committees at the local government level, improving resource mobilization, and establishing and improving monitoring and evaluation systems.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Speakers discuss tools that catalyze, assess, and monitor local organizational-level capacity strengthening as outlined in USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening Policy. This is a webinar with simultaneous interpretation in French.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
USAID Advancing Nutrition developed and implemented a learning agenda to collect lessons learned from its support to local organizations. Speakers from Burkina Faso and Kenya share their perspectives on localization and discuss the future of locally-led development. This is a webinar with simultaneous interpretation in French and an accompanying slide deck.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
In Tanzania, the use of training videos and greater supervision and mentorship were associated with improvements in community health worker performance in providing nurturing care counseling and engaging fathers, especially in home settings.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Evidence-based early childhood development (ECD) programs that strengthen parenting skills and promote early stimulation are critical investments to reduce intergenerational poverty. but program impact varies. Contextual factors such as infrastructure, social norms, and recipient demand and interest affect outcomes. The ECD Implementation Checklist for Enabling Program Scale Up can guide decision-making to support program success.