Anemia Toolkit
The USAID Advancing Nutrition Anemia Task Force (ATF) was created to develop a new approach to address the global challenge presented by anemia. Recognizing that anemia is a multi-dimensional condition affected by both internal (biological, genetics, health/infections, and nutrition) and external (socio-demographic, behavioral, food systems, and physical) environments, the ATF proposes taking an ecological approach that addresses both these environments.
Anemia Toolkit
The USAID Advancing Nutrition Anemia Task Force, a multi-disciplinary panel of experts, developed a comprehensive report on anemia that draws from both sentinel and emerging data to help address this gap. The task force recognized that anemia represents an “ecology” (i.e., a complex system interacting with its internal/biological and external/social, cultural, physical environments). This integrated approach covered key aspects of anemia biology, assessment, and translation into interventions. On behalf of the U.S.
Anemia Toolkit
Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children under 5 years and anemia is a well known morbidity resulting from malaria infection. This study in western Kenya found malaria infection significantly increased odds of risk for delays in gross motor, communication, and social-emotional development.
Anemia Toolkit
This paper estimates the prevalence of anaemia by severity for children aged 6–59 months, non-pregnant women aged 15–49 years, and pregnant women aged 15–49 years in 197 countries and territories and globally for the period 2000–19.
Anemia Toolkit
This is an update of a 2011 systematic review that assessed the impact of home fortification of foods with micronutrient powders on nutrition, health, and developmental outcomes in children under two years of age globally.
Anemia Toolkit
This is a systematic review of health outcomes associated with micronutrient-fortified complementary foods in infants and young children aged 6–23 months globally, including in regions where malaria is not endemic.
Anemia Toolkit
This study assesses the age-specific and sex-specific percentiles of hemoglobin and cutoffs to define anaemia in children and adolescents aged 0–19 years in India, using data from the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This guide helps country teams assess the current status of an intervention’s implementation, management, and results, and streamline the reporting of these characteristics to multiple external partners. The guide is organized into modules that can be selected and sequenced to suit the context for a given country or organization. This document provides background on the tool and guidance on how to use it.
Anemia Toolkit
This editorial presents the benefits of Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements as a highly cost-effective intervention to reduce relative risk of mortality, severe wasting and stunting, iron deficiency anemia, and developmental delay between the age of 6 and 23 months.
Anemia Toolkit
Four in ten children in remote areas of the Kyrgyz Republic are at risk for anemia and less than 20 percent of children ages 6–23 months consume a minimum acceptable diet. This video, which is available in English, Russian, and Kyrgyz, highlights USAID Advancing Nutrition’s work with families in very remote areas.