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Disability Resource Bank

This manual guides peers, counselors, and community health workers through facilitating caregiver psychosocial support sessions.
Disability Resource Bank

Ubuntu aims to increase the knowledge and skills required for caring for a child with a developmental disability
Disability Resource Bank

Baby Ubuntu includes training, supervision, and mentoring of facilitators and provides recommendations on how to monitor and evaluate the program.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Locally developed food-based recommendations help promote appropriate complementary feeding that contributes to reducing stunting among children under 5. A tool used to develop food-based recommendations, Optifood, usually relies on primary data collection involving 24-hour dietary recalls and food frequency questionnaires, the use of which requires considerable time and resources.
Disability Resource Bank

Juntos is a program to help caregivers of children with congenital Zika syndrome understand their child and to build support networks that will improve their care in the community.
Disability Resource Bank

This model is based on the best practices applied in community-based centers during the "Community-Based Services for Children Disabilities" project.
Disability Resource Bank

This video provides advice to parents of children with disabilities on supporting their children's development, including through feeding, communication, and play.
Disability Resource Bank

This training manual equips caregivers of children with disabilities with the knowledge and skills to provide care for children to grow, develop, and become productive in society.
Disability Resource Bank

This tool provides parents and caregivers with ways to understand, follow, and stimulate their children’s language, speech, and cognitive development at home.
Disability Resource Bank

This manual is intended to support the caregivers of infants and children with information on safe feeding practices.