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Ce module et les ressources associées sont destinés à soutenir la conception et la mise en œuvre d'activités intégrées de nutrition, de soins adaptés et d'apprentissage précoce pour ce groupe d'âge. Ceux-ci fournissent aux gestionnaires et aux responsables de la mise en œuvre du programme un bref aperçu des principales considérations concernant les besoins en matière d'alimentation et de soins des nourrissons âgés de 6 à 9 mois ; des conseils sur une croissance et un développement sains, y compris les étapes clés du développement à surveiller ; les défis courants des dispensateurs de soins ; et des activités illustratives pour soutenir l'alimentation intégrée, adaptée et spécifique à l'âge du nourrisson, les soins adaptés et les activités d'apprentissage précoce pendant les séances de conseil individuel et de groupe.

Télécharger le module 2 : 6 à neuf mois (PDF, 17,86 Mo)

Voir le Guide de conception et de mise en œuvre du programme pour plus d'informations sur ce module et les conditions préalables à son utilisation. Des ressources supplémentaires pour soutenir les programmes destinés à cet âge et à ce stade sont disponibles ci-dessous.

Illustration of a baby sitting
Nous avons trouvé 54 ressource(s)
Your Baby's Developmental Milestones
Guideline/Guidance published by UNICEF in
Webpages with interactive activities to test your knowledge and explain baby’s development including things to look out for.
Our First Baby: Health Education for Adolescents Who are Pregnant or First-Time Parents
Guideline/Guidance published by Save the Children in
This Our First Baby Facilitator’s Guide contains nine participatory sessions to be used in small-group sessions with first-time mothers and their male partners.
The “C” in NACS: FANTA’s Experience Improving Counseling in the Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS) Approach
Technical Report published by FANTA in
Despite great success in assessing and treating people for malnutrition, observations in health facilities reveal that counseling—the “C” in NACS—remains weak.
Toolkit for Measuring Early Childhood Development in Low and Middle-Income Countries
Indicator Guide published by World Bank in
The toolkit provides a practical, “how-to” guide for selection and adaptation of child development measurements for use in low- and middle-income countries.
How To Scale Up Maternal Nutrition: A Successful Operational Approach Based on WHO’s Antenatal Care Guidelines and Alive & Thrive’s Implementation Framework
Brief published by Alive & Thrive in
Until now, little experience or evidence has existed on how to mainstream maternal nutrition at scale.
Alive & Thrive Program Brief: Timed and Age Appropriate Messaging Approach on Infant and Young Child Feeding
Guideline/Guidance published by Alive & Thrive in
Timed and age-appropriate messaging for infant and young child feeding is an approach that facilitates frequent one-on-one contact between health personnel and mothers of children less than two years of age.
Timed and Age-Appropriate [Infant and Young Child Feeding] IYCF Messaging For [Health Development Agencies] HDAs
Job Aid published by Alive & Thrive in
This job aid is intended for health development army team leaders and health extension workers to promote timed and age-appropriate infant and young child feeding messaging with mothers and caregivers of children under two as part of the health extension program.
Advancing Early Childhood Development: from Science to Scale
Journal Article published by The Lancet in
The 2016 Lancet Early Childhood Development Series highlights early childhood development at a time when it has been universally endorsed in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.