USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Participants in a Peer-based Nutrition and Health Program in Zimbabwe Value Dialogue, Peer Support, and Tangible Action: A Qualitative Exploration of Peer Group Experiences
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsSocial and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for NutritionResilience and Food Security Activity (RFSA)
This manuscript describes community-based implementation research, and associated findings, which was conducted to learn how participants of a nutrition and health program define quality peer groups and how they suggest improving peer groups.
How Do Social and Behavioral Change Interventions Respond to Social Norms to Improve Women’s Diets in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? A Scoping Review
Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for NutritionGender
This comprehensive review summarizes influential norms and intervention approaches, an important step toward enhancing the effectiveness of social and behavioral change interventions by addressing nutrition-relevant norms.
Measuring The Intangible Resources Caregivers Need to Provide Nurturing Care During the Complementary Feeding Period: A Scoping Review In Low- And Lower-Middle-Income Countries
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Early Childhood DevelopmentResponsive Care and Early Learning Addendum for IYCF CounselingSocial and Behavior Change and GenderEarly Childhood Development
Caregivers require tangible (e.g. food and financial) and intangible resources to provide care to ensure child health, nutrition and development. Intangible resources include beliefs and knowledge, education, self-efficacy, perceived physical health, mental health, healthy stress levels, social support, empowerment, equitable gender attitudes, safety and security and time sufficiency.
Outil et guide pour l’examen du contenu nutritionnel des programmes de formation initiale
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Capacity StrengtheningAnemiaInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
Une formation initiale de qualité constitue le fondement de tous les services de nutrition, dotant les professionnels de la santé des compétences requises pour fournir des services de qualité dès le premier jour de travail. Cependant, le contenu nutritionnel est souvent obsolète et peut être difficile à intégrer dans la formation initiale.
Informe del Estudio de Consumo de Alimentos en Cuatro Departamentos de Honduras Occidental (Copán, Santa Bárbara, Lempira y Ocotepeque)
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Micronutrient Interventions
Uno de los factores que explica la falta de datos es que no se han aplicado metodologías directas de consumo de alimentos, por lo que, en muchos países de ingresos medios y bajos, el análisis secundario de los datos de encuestas económicas (Condiciones de Vida, Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares) representa casi la única fuente de datos a nivel nacional que, en forma rápida y a bajo costo, permit
Learning with Care Groups through Participatory Research in Malawi
Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for Nutrition
USAID Advancing Nutrition partnered with Akule ndi Thanzi (“Let them grow healthy”), a USAID Malawi-funded nutrition project, to facilitate a participatory, user-centered research and design process to develop and test transferable solutions to improve the quality of peer support groups. The research aimed to contribute to global and national learning on peer support groups.
A Facility-Based Mentoring Program to Strengthen Breastfeeding Counseling: Program Resources
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Nutrition and Health SystemsBreastfeeding
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched by the World Health Organization and UNICEF over 30 years ago to encourage facilities providing maternity and newborn services to implement the Ten Steps to successful breastfeeding.
Conception du changement social et comportemental : Manuel pour les activités de sécurité alimentaire de résilience pendant la période d'affinage
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsBehavior Change for Nutrition
L'objectif de ce manuel est d'orienter les partenaires des activités de résilience et de sécurité alimentaire (RFSA) avec des instructions étape par étape sur les meilleures pratiques en matière de changement social et comportemental, en fournissant des outils pratiques pour chaque étape pendant la période d'affinage.
A manutenção de um estado nutricional adequado é um direito humano fundamental, sendo também um pré-requisito para o desenvolvimento económico de um País. Em Moçambique, 43% das crianças menores de cinco anos de idade sofrem de desnutrição crónica, e 6% sofrem de desnutrição aguda (IDS 2011).
USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyz Republic Final Survey Report
Publication Date:
Behavior Change for NutritionMaternal Nutrition
This study by USAID Advancing Nutrition examines the results from baseline, midterm, and endline surveys that were carried out using phone interviews in mid-to-late fall (parts of October through December) in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively.
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Food Safety
Основная цель данного руководства - поддержание продовольственной безопасности и улучшение круглогодичной доступности к полноценному и разнообразному питанию с целью укрепления здоровья сообществ.
Publication Date:
Food Safety
Бул колдонмонун негизги максаты - азык-түлүк коопсуздугун сактоо жана жыл бою ар түрдүү тамактанууга шарт түзүү менен жамааттарда түрдүү азыктардын жеткиликтүүсүн жогорулатуу. Үй шартында тамак азыктарынын коопсуз сакталышын жана кайра иштетилишин эң жөнөкөй ыкмаларды колдонуп, жашылча жана мөмө жемиштери менен жыл бою ар түрдүу тамактанууга шарт түзүү.
Food Processing and Storage at the Household Level in the Kyrgyz Republic
Publication Date:
Food Safety
This guide is designed to help promote healthy and nutritious diets for families in the Kyrgyz Republic through the process of food preservation. Food preservation can help improve the diet of Kyrgyz families by ensuring year-round availability of vegetables, fruits, and other foods. This guide describes how families can use simple home storage and processing methods.