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We know that quality social and behavior change (SBC) is crucial to achieving nutrition outcomes; however, high-quality nutrition SBC is challenging to put into practice. Nutrition is complex, often requiring multiple sectors and actors to align and harmonize efforts that are focused on behaviors that require multiple daily actions and change as a child ages. Nutrition SBC practitioners sometimes face a daunting set of obstacles tying these elements together.
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Technical experts to share work on digital health for nutrition service delivery.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition  co-created this job aid with health workers in Ghana to improve their nutrition and early childhood development referrals. This decision-making flow chart is an algorithm-based tool that helps prioritize clients needing in-depth counselling (e.g., at-risk for malnutrition or developmental delays), streamline workflows, and provide tailored IYCF and RCEL Counselling. The flow chart is available in two sizes - A0 and A1 - and is also incorporated into the Counselling Cards.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Suppléments nutritionnels à base de lipides en petites quantités : Ce qu'il faut communiquer aux participants du programme - Annexe I. Cartes conseil à adapter
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This brief provides an overview of human-centered design (HCD) as a participatory, user-centered research method and shares do’s and don’ts about selecting and using HCD. Resilience and Food Security Activity implementers and USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance advisors can use these considerations when reviewing information gaps and research protocols or a statement of work to determine whether HCD is the appropriate research method. They can also use these considerations if HCD has been selected. Additional resources on HCD are highlighted for those interested in learning more.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This paper assesses how well national sentinel lists of the most frequently consumed foods in each food group capture data at subnational levels to measure minimum diet diversity (MDD). It found that national sentinel food lists can provide reliable data at subnational levels for most food groups, with some variability by country and sub-region.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID's Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS) Food Systems Conceptual Framework articulates the agency's contribution to strengthening food systems and provides high-level operational guidance to RFS staff globally, in line with the overall strategy to build more resilient communities and sustainably reduce hunger, malnutrition and poverty. The framework illustrates how key elements of the agency’s work come together as part of the food system, specifically: agriculture-led economic growth, water, nutrition, and resilience.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

If national-level country-specific sentinel food lists can accurately measure food group consumption when applied at the subnational level, practitioners can better understand dietary patterns of populations. This poster was presented at the 22nd International Congress of Nutrition in December 2022.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

These Excel spreadsheets accompany the Food Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance and Tools package, which helps global development partners working in low- and middle-income countries collect data to assess the food environment. Instructions for their use are included in the Guidelines for Market-based Food Environment Assessments Data Analysis Instructions. The spreadsheets are templates for data analysis, and activity teams can adapt them to fit their specific context.
Focus Area Page

Photo Credit: Maxime Fossat for USAID  Globally, poverty, undernutrition, and inadequate care put 250 million children at risk of not reaching their developmental potential.