Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report synthesizes findings from workshops with 600+ adolescents in 18 countries, in which the participants talked about their diets, nutritional knowledge, body image, and barriers and facilitators of healthy eating. This resource contains many quotes from adolescents regarding their perceptions of healthy and unhealthy foods and dietary influences, as well as quantitative data on the adolescents' food intake.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
In 2019, UNICEF, in partnership with Western Sydney University, conducted a series of workshops with adolescents to learn about how they perceive, access, and consume food. The facilitator's manual outlines the process that in-country partners followed to organize and implement the workshops, and includes planning checklists, activities, handouts, and consent forms. The Nutrition Specialist Field Guide contains materials to assess each workshop activity. The results of these workshops have been published in Food and Me: How Adolescents Experience Nutrition Across the World.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This guide is intended primarily for parents and teachers of adolescents and provides information about nutritional requirements for adolescents. It also describes common areas of concern regarding adolescent nutrition and provides guidance for developing healthy dietary habits.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This resource was developed under the USAID-funded Lishe Endelevu Activity for a Social and Behavior Change Communication project, which targeted girls 15–19 in Tanzania. Materials were adapted from Growth Through Nutrition (Ethiopia). Resources include a a Swahili language training guide, posters, and games aimed at improving nutritional awareness, knowledge, and skills.
News and Features
USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyz Republic, in cooperation with partners, successfully advocates for inclusion of nutrition counseling indicators into the health reporting system.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
The influence of social norms on child feeding is recognized, but guidance is lacking on how to address norms and related perceptions that hinder or support positive nutrition practices.
Anemia Toolkit
The MotherCare Project, a USAID-funded program, was aimed at preventing maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The project included activities that engaged in a series of applied research initiatives and offered short-term technical and training support. Examples of resources developed for use in Indonesia include pill reminders and other communication materials.
Anemia Toolkit
These profiles provide a snapshot of country-specific national anemia profiles developed by SPRING. Each profile provides information on:
the causes and burden of anemia,
the policy environment,
program indicators that allow monitoring progress against anemia targets.
Anemia Toolkit
This presentation from the Manoff Group highlights supply chain considerations, from a pharmaceutical perspective, for medicines and supplements aimed at supplying micronutrients and combating anemia.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
To help uncover research gaps in food systems and nutrition, Agrilinks, USAID Advancing Nutrition, and USAID’s Bureau for Food Security hosted an e-consultation in November 2019.