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Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This paper outlines the results of a qualitative evaluation of a social media campaign to promote healthy eating among urban adolescent girls (15-19) in Indonesia. The social media campagin was considered acceptable by the adolescents. They reported finding it informative in terms of health risks of unhealthy diets and motivational to change their current eating habits. Instagram was the preferred platform for ease of use, although the website was considered to have more information.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This project brief describes the impact of the Adolescent Girls' Empowerment Program (AGEP) on nutrition. AGEP enrolled >11,000 vulnderable adolescent girls, approximately half of whom were randomized to receive nutrition training sessions (3 for younger adolescents, 5 for older adolescents) as part of the AGEP curriculum. The intervention increased knowledge of the causes of anemia, but did not increase other nutrition knowledge, dietary diversity or nutritional outcomes.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

The Adolescent Job Aid is intended for primary healthcare workers who see and treat adolescents. It contains guidance on commonly occurring conditions or concerns that may or may not adolescent-specific (e.g. delayed menarche, STIs). Part 1 contains clinical guidance on a variety of health topics; Part 2 contains algorithms (step-by-step guide for clinical decision-making); Part 3 contains advice for parents and adolescence.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This rapid review used a systematic search strategy to identify available evidence on adolescent nutrition and interventions to improve nutritional status. The goal of the review is to support the development of evidence-based programs and policies and to inform the West Africa Health Organization and policymakers in the region of existing evidence, gaps, and future opportunities. Most studies identified by the review focused on prevalence of nutrition outcomes, rather than programs, and were concentrated in 3 countries (Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana).
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

USAID/SPRING and PAHO commissioned this paper to summarize existing information on the current nutritional status of adolescent girls, women of reproductive age and pregnant and lactating women in LMICs, in order to inform key practices (similar to those developed for young children), that characterize the diet and feeding practices for these groups. Given the paucity of research on dietary intakes of adolescent girls, WRA and pregnant and lactating women, the authors conducted a systematic literature review.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This systematic review synthesized the qualitative evidence from the peer-reviewed literature on factors influencing obesogenic behaviours in adolescent girls (age 10-19) and women of reproductive age (15-49 years of age) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The review included 71 studies from 27 different countries; about half of the studies focused on dietary behaviors, 17 on physical activity and 22 on diet and physical activity. Gender norms and perceived lack of importance of healthy behaviours across the life cycle were important factors.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This report describes the findings from a stakeholder survey on existing research, policies and interventions targeting adolescent malnutrition. Results indicate that most research has focuse don burden, rather than indicators or long-term consequences. Most programs have focused on micronutrient deficiencies and undernutrition, while adolescent overweight and obesity have received less attention.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This "Adolescent Nutrition Training" app (available on Google Play), developed by Riseup Labs, with assistance from UNICEF Bangladesh and the Ministry of Health of Bangladesh, provides a free online nutrition course in Bengali. Users will learn about the importance of adolescent nutrition, the situation in Bangladesh with regard to adolescent nutrition, the availability of adolescent nutrition services and adolescent nutrition management strategies.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This facilitatator's guide (available in English and Russian) is intended to prepare facilitators with technical knowledge and skills to train doctors and nurses about adolescent and women’s nutrition and anemia throughout the life cycle. The sessions cover women and adolescent girls' nutritional status, causes of malnutrition, the effects of malnutrition on the intergenerational life cycle, the consequences of inadequate weight gain and micronutrient deficiencies, and interventions to improve women’s nutrition.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This resource contains 1) an academic article reporting the effectiveness of the Fooya! app for increasing healthy food choices in a study of 10-11 year old children in Chennai, India; 2) a brief communication describing the results of the study; and 3) a link to download the Fooya! game app. Fooya! uses implicit learning strategies to encourage healthy eating behavior in the setting of an "epic food fight", in which players must defend their planet from unhealthy processed foods.