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Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

USAID Advancing Nutrition developed this guidance outlining key considerations for conducting formative research on nutrition behaviors with adolescents. Involving adolescents in designing programs and efforts to inform policy empowers them to make decisions about their own well-being and ensures the applicability of results in communities.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Collaboration is integral to improving nutrition outcomes. USAID Advancing Nutrition developed guidance for USAID missions and implementing partners on how to monitor and assess collaboration as part of multi-sectoral nutrition projects. This guidance enables Missions and partners to document and evaluate their collaboration at both the activity and portfolio levels and outlines five types of collaboration that align with specific collaboration goals: networking, cooperation, coordination, coalition, and integration.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This working paper describes lessons learned throughout the development of the Pakistan Adolescent Nutrition Strategy (PANS). The paper utilizes the Innocenti Framework on Food Systems for Children and Adolescents to guide the implementation of PANS and to understand the determinants of adolescent nutrition, specifically trends in consumption, attitudes and eating behavior.This paper can inform future research and programs.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

The goal of this strategic framework is to facilitate the implementation of NIgeria's National Adolescent Health Policy. The framework contains specific objectives for improving adolescent health, along with appropriate indicators which can be used for monitoring and evaluation. Major thematic areas include sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, accidents, drug abuse, education, career and employment, and parental responsibilities and social adjustment.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This curriculum, developed in Zambia and adapted for the Kenyan context, aims to provide health education (reproductive health, nutrition, life skills) in weekly "safe space" groups, led by a mentor. The curriculum includes instructions for group facilitators and interactive lesson plans and activities on key topics related to adolescent health and aims to promote healthy attitudes, behaviors and decision-making skills.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This brief focuses on the importance of the women's empowerment pathway to improve nutritional outcomes through agricultural livelihoods. However, all of the pathways are interrelated. Agricultural activities typically affect more than one pathway and interact with the enabling environment that includes policies, the natural resource base, and cultural practices, among other factors. The pathway from women's empowerment to improved nutrition is influenced by a number of factors, including social norms, knowledge, skills, and how decision-making power is shared within households.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

The Malawi Multi-Sectoral Adolescent Nutrition Strategy for 2019-2023 adopts a multi-sectoral approach to improving adolescent nutrition. Focus areas include undernutrition, overnutrition, adolescent empowerment, positive behavior change, communicable diseases, creating an enabling environment for nutrition interventions and monitoring and evaluation systems. The framework includes strategies for addressing each focus area, along with specific activities to accomplish the strategy. The document also outlines the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This article analyzed policy-related documents and conducted stakeholder interviews in order to identify nutrition-specific policies targeting adolescents in Indonesia. The two policies identified target iron-deficiency anemia through supplementation and school-based obesity screening. The authors recommend multisectoral, coordinated efforts across levels of government to improve scale and reach of nutrition policies.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This article summarizes the existing evidence on the impact of interventions specifically among adolescents in Indonesia. Evidence was limited but supports the implementation of the following nutrition-specifc interventions: (i) iron–folic acid supplements, paired with antihelminths delivered at scale via school-based platforms and through health centres; and (ii) diet counselling and nutrition education provided through school-based platforms, adolescent youth centres/peer education and technology-based platforms.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This brief summarizes undernutrition and overweight/obesity among Indonesian adolescents and describes existing programs and policies targeting anemia, overweight/obesity and fruit/vegetable consumption. It also highlights potential bundling of interventions (iron supplementation, de-worming and nutrition education) and notes that both school- and community-based interventions are likely needed to reach out all adolescents.