Job Posting
Le consultant en gestion des finances et des subventions collaborera avec deux organisations locales au Burkina Faso, afin de les aider à améliorer les capacités du personnel en matière de gestion des finances et des subventions. Le candidat idéal devra avoir :
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Данный профиль объединяет национальные данные вместе с информацией о национальной политике и программах, для выделения как потребностей, так и возможностей для содействия оптимальному развитию детей в Кыргызской Республике.
Nurturing Care to Improve Early Childhood Development: Kyrgyz Republic Country Profile (English Version)
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Ce guide actualisé fournit des recommandations étape par étape pour ajouter ou renforcer les composantes de nutrition maternelle dans les programmes ou les services fournis par le système de santé, y compris les actions visant à renforcer le système de santé global et l’environnement favorable. Après avoir utilisé ce document, vous aurez élaboré ou adapté le plan de mise en œuvre de votre programme ou activité en fonction des priorités identifiées en matière de nutrition maternelle.
USAID Advancing Nutrition serves as the secretariat manager for the U.S. Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan (GNCP), an interagency effort to strengthen the impact of the many diverse nutrition investments across the U.S. Government through better communication and collaboration. In this role, USAID Advancing Nutrition supports knowledge sharing, documents the Plan’s progress, and facilitates dialogue to apply emerging evidence and best practices to USG initiatives and shape future interagency coordination efforts.
Project Leadership
Pauline Okello joins the USAID Advancing Nutrition team as the new Chief of Party in Uganda, bringing with her over 15 years of experience working on health sector projects in Uganda. Her areas of expertise are integrated maternal and child health, nutrition and WASH, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and health systems strengthening. Pauline has worked with various International Organizations including HealthPartners, MSH, FHI360, IntraHealth and the Palladium Group.
News and Features
The project’s guidance on conducting formative research on adolescent nutrition and the Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank were featured in Emergency Nutrition Network’s Field Exchange.
News and Features
USAID Advancing Nutrition is conducting a survey to better understand the range of programs that have adopted this approach to treat moderate acute malnutrition in children under five years of age.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Despite the efficacy of double-fortified salt (DFS) in improving hemoglobin, ferritin, anemia, and iron deficiency anemia, there has been limited experience with its production and distribution at scale within programs. Across the world, program managers, researchers, and salt production companies have jointly attempted to introduce DFS in various settings and circumstances. However, many of these experiences were/are limited in scope and reach, and most have failed to launch a large-scale DFS program after exploratory discussions.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
These guidelines provide the required minimum standards for delivering a comprehensive set of nutrition interventions aimed at preventing and managing undernutrition and overnutrition in adolescents and adults at various service delivery points in health facilities and communities. The guidelines are intended to help service providers improve the quality of nutrition service delivery and health outcomes of people living with HIV, tuberculosis patients, and other patients presenting at health facilities with various forms of illness.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Breastfeeding counseling and education support packages have the greatest impact on breastfeeding practices followed by breastfeeding training, promotion, and peer support. For at-risk infants, support packages need to be adapted and formally tested. Additional research should examine the impacts of breastfeeding support on anthropometry and morbidity.