The development and use of a monitoring and evaluation plan to track and understand how integrated infant feeding and responsive care and early learning interventions are going is critical to program success. USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition curated this focused set of resources to inform and guide USAID implementing partners to design and implement more tailored, age-specific infant feeding and responsive care and early learning programming during the first two years of a child’s life. As part of the effort, we have compiled a few key resources for implementers to review and consider to support the monitoring and evaluation of responsive care and early learning activities, including resources to help identify and select indicators to use, measure those indicators, and provide programmatic examples of their use.
We found 6 resource(s)
Mesurer le changement social et comportemental dans les programmes de nutrition : Un guide pour les évaluateurs
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
Les évaluations de programme jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'amélioration de la qualité et la détermination de l'efficacité des stratégies et des approches de changement social et comportemental (CSC) nécessaires pour atteindre les résultats du programme de nutrition.
Measuring Social and Behavior Change in Nutrition Programs: A Guide for Evaluators
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
This guide supports implementing partners who are involved with conducting an evaluation of an activity that uses social and behavior change to improve multi-sectoral nutrition outcomes.
Indicators for Measuring Responsive Care and Early Learning Activities
Indicator Guide published by WHO in
The Nurturing Care Framework offers national governments a road map for strategic action to strengthen public policies, programs, and services, to ensure children’s good health and nutrition, protect them from threats, support responsive care, and promote opportunities for early learning.
Technical Report published by Bernard van Leer Foundation in
The Global Scale for Early Development was field-tested and could offer a global solution to the need countries have for good metrics to track their progress toward early childhood development targets in the absence of reliable, freely accessible tools for population-level monitoring of children up to age three.
Toolkit for Measuring Early Childhood Development in Low and Middle-Income Countries
Indicator Guide published by World Bank in
The toolkit provides a practical, “how-to” guide for selection and adaptation of child development measurements for use in low- and middle-income countries.