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USAID Advancing Nutrition/Child Health Task Force Conference Consultant

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The conference, Accelerating Progress towards the 2030 SDGs – Reducing inequities in child health, is currently scheduled for June 6-7, 2023 and the save the date announcement has been shared with the members. A call for abstracts will be sent out in February and the Conference Planning Committee will review the abstracts under each thematic track (see below) to decide on the concurrent session. The conference will be fully virtual and hosted on an online mini-website/conference platform.

Project Coordinator, Nutrition and Health Systems

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USAID Advancing Nutrition project is the Agency’s flagship nutrition project, led by JSI Research Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), and a diverse group of experienced partners. Launched in September 2018, USAID Advancing Nutrition implements and provides technical support to nutrition interventions across sectors and disciplines for USAID and its partners. The project’s multi-sectoral approach draws together global nutrition experience to design, implement and evaluate programs that address the root causes of malnutrition.

Termes de référence d’un outil pilote d'évaluation rapide sur la gouvernance de la nutrition au Burkina Faso

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USAID Advancing Nutrition recherche un consultant pour développer l'outil pilote d'évaluation rapide au Burkina Faso et documenter le processus et les résultats du pilote. Le consultant réalisera les activités suivantes en étroite consultation avec les équipes mondiales et burkinabé de USAID Advancing Nutrition:

Consultancy to Code, Clean, and Analyze Qualitative and Quantitative Data for Implementation Research to Assess the Feasibility of a Breastfeeding Counseling Mentorship Program in Kenya

Submitted by bcox on

USAID Advancing Nutrition is seeking a consultant to to code, clean, and analyze qualitative and quantitative data using Stata and Microsoft Excel, as appropriate, as part of implementation research to assess the feasibility of a breastfeeding counseling mentorship program in Kenya. The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

Project Coordinator, Knowledge Management

Submitted by bcox on

USAID Advancing Nutrition is the Agency’s flagship nutrition project, led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), and a diverse group of experienced partners. Launched in September 2018, USAID Advancing Nutrition implements and provides technical support to nutrition interventions across sectors and disciplines for USAID and its partners. The project’s multi-sectoral approach draws together global nutrition experience to design, implement and evaluate programs that address the root causes of malnutrition.