Strengthening the Capacity of Local Organizations for Nutrition Outcomes: Local Perspectives and Ways Forward Webinar
Programming Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements: Lessons Learned and Tool to Strengthen Implementation Webinar
The "So What": Leveraging Evaluative Data to Adapt Social and Behavior Change Nutrition Programming Workshop
Behaviors for Better Complementary Feeding: A Social and Behavior Change Workshop Series
This interactive workshop series brought together implementers to explore nutrition SBC best practices from a new perspective. Participants learned about what nutrition programmers are doing and how to achieve positive complementary feeding results using an evidence-based, behavior-centered approach through storytelling, videos, discussions, and hands-on exercises. We worked together to unpack the complexity of complementary feeding through an SBC approach that aligns sectors and actors to achieve intended outcomes.
Overview of the 2023 Joint Malnutrition Estimates and Strengthening Anthropometric Data Collection to Improve Future Estimates Webinar
UNICEF, WHO, and the World Bank recently released the 2023 Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates (JME). Generation of the JME can be hampered by poor quality data, which is why the WHO UNICEF Technical Expert Advisory Group on Nutrition Monitoring (TEAM) has established a working group on anthropometry data quality.
Consultancy to Technical and Grammatical Review of the Translations for the RCEL Addendum in Spanish
The USAID Advancing Nutrition team is seeking an ECD consultant with native-level proficiency in Spanish to review translations for the RCEL Addendum package in Spanish. This includes the full RCEL Addendum package including the Planning, Adaptation and Implementation Guide and several annexes, a Facilitator's Guide, Training Aid, Participant Handouts, and Counseling Cards. Given the technical nature of these documents, there is a need to review the translations for the appropriate use of Spanish terms, accuracy, and conveying content in a way that is clear and reads well.
Consultancy to Technical and Grammatical Review of the Translations for the RCEL Addendum in French
The USAID Advancing Nutrition team is seeking an ECD consultant with native-level proficiency in French to review translations for the RCEL Addendum package in French. This includes the full RCEL Addendum package including the Planning, Adaptation and Implementation Guide and several annexes, a Facilitator's Guide, Training Aid, Participant Handouts, and Counseling Cards. Given the technical nature of these documents, there is a need to review the translations for the appropriate use of French terms, accuracy, and conveying content in a way that is clear and reads well.
Elevating Nutrition in Pre-Service Training: A Competency-Based Tool to Assess Coverage of Nutrition Content Webinar
Quality pre-service training forms the foundation of all nutrition services, equipping health professionals with the competencies required to deliver quality services from day one on the job. However, nutrition content is often outdated and can be difficult to integrate into pre-service training.