Global Child Thrive Act Video Consultant
USAID Advancing Nutrition is looking for a consultant to produce one 2 – 3-minute video using existing footage to describe the Global Child Thrive Act and illustrate the crucial role responsive care plays in early childhood development.
USAID Advancing Nutrition End of Project Event
Watch the recording to hear representatives from the project's country programs share implementation experience, along with learning, research and resources to support USAID and implementing partners advancing nutrition.
Managing Moderate Wasting Using Local Foods: Learning from Case Studies in Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda Webinar
According to the 2023 Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, 31.3 million children have moderate wasting. Despite this significant need, much of the global attention to wasting was focused on its severe form because of the higher associated mortality risk. However, the number of children with moderate wasting is significantly higher and managing it effectively is an important way to prevent moderate wasting from turning into severe wasting and corresponding mortality. Until recently, there was very little global guidance on the treatment of moderate wasting.