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Anemia Toolkit

This systematic review evaluates the evidence of the impact of multiple-micronutrient supplements during pregnancy, in comparison with standard iron–folic acid supplements, on specific maternal and pregnancy outcomes of relevance to the Lives Saved Tool (LiST).
Anemia Toolkit

This Cochhrane Systematic Review synthesizes the evidence on the effects of early cord clamping compared with late cord clamping on maternal and neonatal outcomes from 15 trials. The authors conclude that a more liberal approach to delaying clamping of the umbilical cord in healthy term infants appears to be warranted, particularly in light of growing evidence that delayed cord clamping increases early hemoglobin concentrations and iron stores in infants. Delayed cord clamping is likely to be beneficial as long as access to treatment for jaundice requiring phototherapy is available.
Anemia Toolkit

This fact sheet provides information on recommended delivery care practices and their importance for maternal and infant health and survival.
Anemia Toolkit

This systematic review synthesizes the available evidence from vitamin supplementation trials that reported changes in anemia or iron status. The authors conclude that the public health impact of vitamin supplementation for anemia control and the complex interactions involving multiple vitamins in hematopoiesis are insufficiently understood, and highlight the need for further research.
Anemia Toolkit

This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical assessment, pathophysiology, and consequences of anemia in low- and middle-income countries. The review shows a disproportionate concentration of anemia in low socioeconomic groups, and a strong association between maternal and child anemia.
Anemia Toolkit

This review synthesizes the evidence on the effect of iron supplementation in infants and children on early and long-term child cognitive development. The findings indicate a potential benefit of oral iron treatment for cognitive performance in anemic primary-school children. However, antenatal and early childhood oral iron intervention studies show inconsistent effects on early and long-term childhood cognitive outcomes.
Anemia Toolkit

This review provides information on the role of minerals in pregnancy and lactation and their rate of consumption, as well as complications induced by their deficiency or excess use. The function of minerals, their recommended daily intake, as well as maximum allowable daily intake for adults, pregnant, and lactating women are described.
Anemia Toolkit

This review highlights how iron interventions might be positioned within four global health initiatives: making pregnancy safer, saving newborn lives, infant and young child feeding, and fortification.
Anemia Toolkit

This systematic review aims to determine the relationship between maternal anemia during pregnancy and newborns small for gestational age. The review considers 10 studies including more than 600,000 pregnant women and identifies a nonsignificant relationship between maternal anemia during pregnancy and small-for-gestational-age births. Maternal anemia in the first trimester of pregnancy was considered a risk factor for negative pregnancy outcomes.
Anemia Toolkit

This Cochrane Systematic Review aims to evaluate the effects and safety of iron supplementation, with or without folic acid, in children living in areas with hyperendemic or holoendemic malaria transmission. The review includes 35 trials and concludes that iron treatment does not increase the risk of clinical malaria in resource-limited settings when regular malaria prevention or management services are provided.