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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This tool helps nutrition program planners and implementers improve quality at every stage of multi-sectoral nutrition social and behavior change from design to delivery, monitoring, and adaptation.

Here you can access a collection of resources related to multi-sectoral nutrition programming and COVID-19.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

The Emergency Nutrition Network conducted case studies of three “high achieving” SUN countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Niger) with a strong track record in championing and improving undernutrition at a sub-national level.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This document guides group facilitators through steps to adapt counseling materials for infant and young child feeding when COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed. Based on practical experience in adapting counseling cards across many countries, it includes advice for conducting interviews with country staff, health workers, and community leaders and an interview guide that can be used or adapted for specific country contexts.

Since 2010, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition has pursued applied research to support the goals of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative, built institutional capacity for analysis and evidence-based policy in developing countries, and offered scholarships to support individual capacity development through formal degree education in the United States and elsewhere. The Innovation Lab for Nutrition and USAID Advancing Nutrition hosted a webinar series to share the project's research, results, and learning to inform future programming.
Job Posting

The USAID Advancing Nutrition Project Coordinator, NHS and SBC position is open for recruitment from July 8 - July 23. The Project Coordinator will work to keep the Nutrition & Health Systems (NHS), Early Childhood Development (ECD), and Social Behavior Change (SBC) teams organized and on-deadline through day-to-day administrative and technical support. S/he will coordinate and backstop project activities at the global and country levels, and coordinate internal and external meetings, including meetings with USAID.
News and Features

Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities means more than just producing more nutrient-rich foods. USAID Advancing Nutrition’s Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide provides practical guidance to help implementing partners train their staff to plan and implement nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities. It includes a detailed facilitator’s guide and accompanying slides for a three-day workshop intended for teams of newly-awarded Feed the Future agriculture projects and others working to improve nutrition-sensitive agriculture.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The gender equality strategy guides USAID Advancing Nutrition--including technical sectors and country programs--to integrate gender into program activities to the fullest extent possible. The strategy is informed by a global literature review of gender's impact on nutrition and an analysis of gender-based considerations for the project's planned activities.

Inadequate nutrition, suboptimal care, and poor feeding practices put children under 5 years at higher risk of disease and mortality. The nutrition needs of many are inconsistently addressed, under-addressed, or unaddressed, causing morbidity and mortality. Providing adequate nutrition services as part of the continuum of care is an important part of reducing morbidity and mortality in children. Unfortunately, routine health services do not always provide those services in a consistent manner.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

As part of the Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition initiative, Results for Development Institute conducted a landscape analysis of global data visualization tools and a literature review of data visualizations.