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USAID Advancing Nutrition started working in Tanzania in November 2019 and ended its work in April 2023. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has taken a multi-sectoral approach to address malnutrition, committing to high-level initiatives at the global and national levels. USAID Advancing Nutrition strengthened the government’s efforts by providing direct technical assistance at the national level. During our program, we—strengthened the capacity of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Council to facilitate the integration of nutrition-sensitive and

By the end of 2021, USAID Advancing Nutrition began fully implementing activities in Uganda. Known as hidden hunger, micronutrient deficiencies (lack of intake, absorption, or use of vitamins or minerals) are widespread among children and women of reproductive age in Uganda. Food fortification is one of the cost-effective high-impact strategies adopted by the government of Uganda to reduce micronutrient deficiencies and combat malnutrition.USAID Advancing Nutrition worked in Uganda from June 2021 to October 2023 and supported the government in strengthening compliance with food fortification

USAID Advancing Nutrition worked in Honduras from June 2021 to December 2023. In the departments of Santa Bárbara, Ocotepeque, and Copán, USAID Advancing Nutrition established foundational activities to increase consumption of a minimum acceptable diet, minimum dietary diversity, and animal source foods among children under 5 years of age. We measured these indicators among a select number of children under 2 who received services directly from decentralized health providers. These activities supported the overarching goal of USAID/Honduras to create a more prosperous, democratic, and secure