Anemia Toolkit
This review on oral iron supplementation provides an overview of recently conducted stable iron isotope studies conducted in young women to quantify iron absorption.
Anemia Toolkit
This editorial discusses the implications of a study that assesses the effect of iron dosing schedules on plasma hepcidin and iron absorption in high-risk infants in Kenya and found that iron absorption administered in a variety of methods in a pediatric population and found that less frequent dosing results in increased fractional absorption of iron (the amount of iron absorbed per dose).
Anemia Toolkit
This study assessed iron uptake in infants in Kenya who received three different regimens of iron supplementations via stable iron isotopes. The authors report that 12 mg doses of ferrous sulfate given in fortified meals as either morning or afternoon doses resulted in comparable absorption, while dosing of the same form of iron on consecutive days increased plasma hepcidin concentrations and concomitantly decreased absorption compared with alternate-day dosing.
Anemia Toolkit
This paper reports the results of a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial in Malaysia that examined whether the inclusion of folic acid in weekly iron and folic acid supplements in nonpregnant women aged 18–45 years conferred any benefit on hemoglobin concentration, anemia reduction, or iron status, over iron alone.
Anemia Toolkit
This paper reports the performance of hematological biomarkers (hemoglobin [Hb], measured with both a hematology analyzer and a HemoCue; inflammation-adjusted ferritin; soluble transferrin receptor; reticulocyte Hb; hepcidin; mean corpuscular volume; inflammation-adjusted total body iron stores; total iron binding capacity; and transferrin saturation) in predicting a hemoglobin response in nonpregnant Cambodian women aged 18–45 years after 12 weeks of iron supplementation.
Anemia Toolkit
This paper explores the use of electronic health records for surveillance of the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency, and iron-deficiency anemia during first-trimester pregnancies in the United States.
Anemia Toolkit
Using data from nonpregnant women aged 15–49 years in the 2015–2016 Malawi Micronutrient Survey, this paper described the prevalence of double burden pf malnutrition (overweight and obesity, and anemia) among Malawian women
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This guide provides guidance on nutrition-sensitive livelihood interventions that can help strengthen household resilience and ameliorate malnutrition spikes in Uganda. The guide offers specific advice for 2014 while at the same time recommending interventions that can be developed over time to improve baseline resilience. It is designed for U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Food for Peace implementers, local government, United Nations agencies, development partners, and donors.
Anemia Toolkit
Accurate assessment of iron and vitamin A status is needed to inform public health decisions, but most population-level iron and vitamin A biomarkers are independently influenced by inflammation.
Anemia Toolkit
Using the example of a microsimulation study to estimate net benefits and cost-effectiveness of micronutrient powder programmes for young children, this paper proposes the use of modeling tools to evaluate benefits, risks, and costs of interventions, often in the absence of comprehensive information about all three.