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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This brief summarizes the Mamachiponde study, a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in rural Malawi with pregnant women who were moderately malnourished.
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ACT-NM's new Analytical Framework is a multi- sectoral tool that can better prepare policymakers and implementers to mitigate the impact of shocks on nutrition outcomes.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Climate change is a global crisis, but its effects are not equal. As temperatures and sea levels rise, the effects disproportionately impact the poorest and most marginalized communities USAID works to support every day. In response to these global challenges, USAID launched a Climate Strategy that will guide its work through 2030. This new Strategy takes a “whole-of-Agency” approach that calls on all corners of USAID to play a part in the response.
News and Features

Breastfeeding has one of the highest returns on investment of any development activity, yielding $35 in economic gains for every $1 spent on breastfeeding interventions.

The project aims to generate global learning, evidence, and innovative practices on how to improve women’s diets.

Tracking adaptations of USAID-funded nutrition activities in response to COVID-19.

Collaborating on key products related to nutrition data collection during COVID-19.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition strengthens nutrition investments of USAID, providing support and technical assistance to USAID Missions, governments, and partners at local, regional, and national levels and as they improve nutritional status and health outcomes around the world. With offices in 12 countries and activities in many others, the project works across critical stages in the nutrition life cycle.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This two-page fact sheet describes USAID Advancing Nutrition's support to a wide range of nutrition stakeholders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including the government, implementing partners, and United Nations agencies to better understand and document ways to strengthen the quality and continuity of interventions to treat and prevent wasting in children under five.