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Supporting the SUN Donor Network to strengthen donor resource tracking by monitoring the application of the OECD nutrition policy marker.
News and Features

USAID Advancing Nutrition in the Kyrgyz Republic hosted free concerts dedicated to promoting the health of mothers and children and raising awareness about the first 1000 days.

Effective programs require accurate and reliable data to inform progress. Tracking nutrition indicators is integral to the success of data-informed decisions for nutrition programs and policies.
News and Features

Local governments in rural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic have pledged financial support to organize public events highlighting USAID Advancing Nutrition’s work.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Family members influence maternal, child, and adolescent nutrition and are increasingly engaged in nutrition interventions and research. However, there remain gaps in the literature related to programmatic experiences and lessons learned from engaging these key influencers in nutrition activities. This research aimed to document global health professionals' experiences engaging family members in nutrition activities, and their perceived barriers, facilitators, and recommendations for nutrition activities that engage family members.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This two-page fact sheet describes USAID Advancing Nutrition's support implementing a two-year multi-sectoral nutrition activity with the Government of Uganda (GOU) and key stakeholders. USAID Advancing Nutrition supports the GOU to identify, design, and implement interventions to overcome challenges related to compliance with food fortification standards, enforcement, and monitoring across food products.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Multidisciplinary action teams bridged communication gaps between administrators and implementers; made progress on advocacy, collaboration, and budgeting for nutrition; and initiated multi-sectoral nutrition (MSN) program implementation in communities. Teams provided actionable guidance for putting MSN policy into practice and leveraging staff capacity.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

The blended learning program, which aims to build capacity to integrate social and behavior change (SBC) into nutrition programs, includes an online course as well as coaching support and live lectures to increase accountability. Despite occasional connectivity issues and a heavy reading load, participants reported learning practical skills, including developing costed SBC action plans.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This report describes the effects of the Rang-Din Nutrition Study interventions on child growth, development, micronutrient status, and health care-seeking behavior through 24 months of age.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Speakers present a human-centered design approach to strengthen health workforce capacity and a set of educational capacity frameworks that provide operational definitions and criteria for progress to guide investment in pre-service education. This is a webinar.