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Work in the Maradi and Zinder regions of Niger aims to reduce both the prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age and adolescents, and vitamin A deficiency among children under five.

Clear and practical assessment methods and reliable data for decision-making will inform and guide large-scale food fortification programming, particularly by USAID Missions and partners.

The Breastmilk Ecology: Genesis of Infant Nutrition (BEGIN) project takes an ecological approach to analyzing the unique biology of human milk by exploring it as a complex biological system.
Focus Area Subpage

USAID Advancing Nutrition is collecting, creating, and sharing information to support actions to improve maternal and adolescent nutrition.
Focus Area Subpage

Low quality diets are a leading risk factor for poor nutrition and health throughout the world. However, despite the strong relationship between diet and health, there are important gaps in data on food and nutrient intake. USAID Advancing Nutrition is involved in several activities to support learning, evidence, and measurement of diet quality

Eating a healthy diet helps to protect health and prevent noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
Job Posting

Consultant en administration et ressources humaines Le consultant en administration et ressources humaines collaborera avec deux organisations locales au Burkina Faso, afin de les aider à réviser et à mettre à jour les procédures et outils administratifs et de gestion du personnel. Le candidat idéal devra avoir:
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Ce document est un guide du facilitateur pour l'atelier sur le guide de conception d'activités agricoles sensibles à la nutrition. Associé à deux présentations de diapositives PowerPoint, il fournit des instructions détaillées permettant à une équipe de facilitation de mener l'atelier de trois jours. L'atelier est conçu pour guider les équipes d'activité dans le processus d'établissement de résultats, d'interventions et d'indicateurs agricoles adaptés au contexte et sensibles à la nutrition.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This nutrition brief summarizes findings from a review identifying key strengths of community-based distribution of iron-folic acid supplementation and some barriers that may impede its rollout. The brief presents evidence for improved iron-folic acid supplementation coverage and anemia reduction among women, a compilation of country policies that address barriers to community-based distribution of iron-folic acid supplementation, and key considerations for implementers of community-level programs and policymakers in low- and middle-income countries.