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Sharing effective strategies for supporting infant and young child feeding IYCF in climate-related emergency settings.

Melding private sector and social marketing best practices to promote healthy diets.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

How do human-centered design and traditional global health practices and mindsets integrate to drive more people-centered, innovative solutions to health challenges and achieve common health sector and global health ecosystem goals? This theory of change provides funders, implementing partners, and designers a tool to understand and apply human-centered design to enhance global health programming.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Humanitarian assistance structures often exclude or marginalize local actors. Adopting a localization approach requires recognizing that policy changes can have unintended consequences, ensuring funding is more accessible to local humanitarian actors, investing in creating an enabling environment, building relationships with diverse local actors, and ensuring greater collective action among donors.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This framework considers MOMENTUM’s programmatic interests in performance, resilience, sustainability, adaptive learning, and systems thinking. It focuses on key observable behaviors and practices that drive organizational performance and offers preliminary suggestions for how MOMENTUM and others can use the framework for organizational capacity planning and measurement for a stronger focus on organizational performance.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This collection of Bengali-language communications tools, including take-home posters and product labels, was developed for use in CARE’s Window of Opportunity program in Bangladesh. Community workers and mothers use the materials to promote improved infant and young child feeding behaviors in conjunction with the use of micronutrient powders to address anemia.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Users can access resources and take free courses focusing on health and nutrition, food security, early childhood development, climate resilience, and other topics. Courses are available in several languages.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

These presentations review the importance of competencies—knowledge, skills, and attitudes—in capacity strengthening for multi-sectoral nutrition, and how to translate them from concepts into tangible, relevant tools for designing high-quality capacity strengthening interventions. The webinars are available in English and French and are accompanied by presentation decks and transcripts.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Researchers assessed the delivery, acceptability, perceptions, barriers, and facilitators of integrating developmental monitoring, nutritional screening, and counseling in health facilities. They identified programmatic recommendations for enhancing service delivery and maximizing potential impacts on nurturing care and early child development outcomes. This article is behind a paywall.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Disability funding has declined. Only 2 percent of global investments in early childhood development (ECD) from 2007 to 2016 was spent on disabilities, and the funding pattern has not improved since. The need to prioritize ECD for children living with lifelong disabilities is urgent and entails disability-focused programming and monitoring approaches, economic analysis of interventions, and substantial funding to address the needs of this group.