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Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

To inform subnational nutrition actions in India, researchers analyzed the burden of disease due to malnutrition and trends in malnutrition indicators from 1990 to 2017 in every Indian state as part of Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017. Examining trends in relation to Indian and global nutrition targets, the authors found that malnutrition is still the leading risk factor for disease burden in India and the predominant risk factor for death in children young
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This rapid sift is from the Children’s Participation in Action and Learning for Nutrition (PCAANS) project in Mozambique. The aim was to inform the project's approach to nutrition education, identify and understand research on how children influence health behaviors, and identify qualitative methodologies to evaluate the impact of children’s participation in health projects, including PCAANS.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This is an overview of a proposed study of optimizing female adolescents' nutrition to enhance health, family formation, education, and labor participation in Ghana. The proposed study would evaluate the effect of consuming multiple-micronutrient fortified biscuits compared to unfortified biscuits five days a week for 26 weeks.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This article is a review of the literature on the socio-cultural and economic (SCE) determinants and consequences associated with undernutrition among adolescents in LMICs. The review underscores the importance of the range of context‐specific SCE factors that influence adolescent nutritional status.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This study analyzed secondary data from an impact evaluation of the Ghana School Feeding Program to determine the severity of anemia and factors associated with anemia and hemoglobin (Hb) status among rural school-age children (SAC) ages 6 to 9 and adolescents ages 10 to 17 in Ghana. The study found that anemia is a severe public health problem among male and female SAC and adolescents.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This study aimed to describe the dietary patterns (DPs) of Mexican adolescents and examine their association with nutritional status, using data from adolescents ages 12 to 19 from the 2006 National Survey of Health and Nutrition. Four DPs were identified and studied: nontraditional and breakfast-type, Western, plant-based, and protein-rich.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This document provides a summary of a 2014 WHO technical consultation to reach consensus on a core list of indicators to measure and report on adolescent health, and to explore mechanisms for validating and/or testing new indicators. Meeting participants reached consensus on 20 indicators, with seven additional indicators recommended for countries with a high burden of HIV or cannabis use.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This reference list of health indicators for adolescents age 10 to 19 was developed through a 2014 WHO technical consultation on indicators to measure and report on adolescent health, and to explore mechanisms for validating and/or testing new indicators. The core list includes 20 indicators, with seven additional indicators recommended for countries with a high burden of HIV or cannabis use.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This study, which focused on adolescent schoolgirls in rural Bangladesh, aimed to describe the context for effective intervention planning for a replicable model of integrating nutrition activities into social programs. The study revealed the importance of teachers and mothers as information sources, and the dietary and cultural roles of purchased snacks.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This article reviews preconception nutrition in women and girls globally, including the key factors that influence women's outcomes and (if they become pregnant) their child's outcomes. The article describes global guidelines on preconceptional nutrition interventions; highlights gaps in evidence, guidelines, and policy; and discusses research on improving women's and girls' preconceptional nutrition.