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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

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Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children

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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Vitamin A Supplementation & De‐worming Post Event Coverage Survey: 2010 Tanzania Mainland Final Report on Research Findings, April 2011

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This final report summarizes research findings from a vitamin A supplementation survey for mainland Tanzania that occurred in July 2010. The survey used cross‐sectional randomized cluster methodology to obtain and validate national coverage estimates for the June 2010 mass distribution round of vitamin A supplementation and de‐worming.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Two-Year Anemia Calendar

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This two-year calendar promotes nutrition and emphasizes anemia prevention. The calendar highlights the importance of a diverse diet and consuming iron-rich foods that are locally available, such as meat, beans, nuts, and vegetables.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Training Frontline Health and ICDS Workers in Uttar Pradesh

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This child anemia training module for training frontline health and Integrated Child Development Services workers in Uttar Pradesh, India, includes a training module, resources, capsules, and facilitators guide. The training addresses the magnitude of the child anemia problem, its service implications, and measures created for preventing it.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Tools for Anemia Programming: An Immersion Workshop

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project developed the Landscape Analysis Guidance Tool and the District Assessment Tool for Anemia to assist countries in strengthening anemia programming. SPRING held an interactive, hands-on training in Washington, DC, to consolidate program learning from the implementation of the tools in countries.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The State of Maize Flour Fortification in Uganda

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
From July 2016 to July 2017, The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project conducted interviews with 33 of the largest maize-milling companies in Uganda to determine the extent to which large-scale mills were fortifying and to understand barriers and enablers to fortification.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The Rang-Din Nutrition Study in Rural Bangladesh: The Costs and Cost Effectiveness of Programmatic Interventions to Improve Linear Growth at Birth and 18 Months, and the Costs of These Interventions at 24 Months

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
In an effort to measure the effectiveness of lipid-based nutrients for improving birth outcomes and child development and growth, the Rang-Din Nutrition Study was undertaken in rural Bangladesh from 2011 to 2015.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The Potential to Improve Nutrition through the Use of Fortified Maize Flour in Schools in Uganda

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project in Uganda examined the barriers to and enablers of procurement and use of fortified maize flour in boarding schools in Uganda as a method of increasing micronutrient intake and overcoming widespread iron deficiency.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Success in Delivering Interventions to Reduce Maternal Anemia in Nepal

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
In 2004 the Government of Nepal launched the Intensification of Maternal and Neonatal Micronutrient Program, more commonly called the Iron Intensification Project, in five districts. This case study describes the development of the project, its design, the process used to implement it at the district level, the strategy used to scale it up, and the data available to describe coverage.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Strengthening the Evidence Base for Nutrition Interventions during the First 1,000 Days

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
The Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) conducted four major studies in Bangladesh, Burundi, Guatemala, and Malawi examining interventions aimed at preventing undernutrition during the first 1,000 days.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Strengthening Nutrition Governance: FANTA Achievements and Lessons Learned

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This report describes the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) collaborative approach, which includes: (1) facilitating multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder engagement on nutrition; (2) supporting nutrition advocacy strategies and materials; (3) strengthening the capacity of multiple levels and sectors of government to lead, plan, budget for, and implement nutrition programmi
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Six Key Actions to Reduce Anemia

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This brief describes country-led efforts to coordinate and implement anemia prevention and control, offering lessons learned to help other countries design the best possible solutions.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Rethinking Integrated Nutrition-Health Strategies to Address Micronutrient Deficiencies in Children Under Five in Mozambique

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This case study presents progress, challenges, and lessons learned to date for vitamin A supplementation, micronutrient powders, and food‐based strategies in Mozambique. Program considerations for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating micronutrient interventions within the health system are also provided.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Rang-Din Nutrition Study: Assessment of Participant Adherence to Lipid-Based Nutrient and Iron-Folic Acid Supplements among Pregnant and Lactating Women in the Context of a Study on the Effectiveness of Supplements in Bangladesh

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This report summarizes the findings of the Rang-Din Nutrition Study evaluation of participant adherence among pregnant and lactating women. Researchers evaluated several aspects of a program to distribute supplements to pregnant and lactating women.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Randomized Controlled Trial of the Impact of Treating Moderately Malnourished Women in Pregnancy

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This brief summarizes the Mamachiponde study, a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in rural Malawi with pregnant women who were moderately malnourished.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Processing Handbook for ProKal Products

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This handbook describes and presents guidelines for the manufacture and handling of three supplementary food products for vulnerable populations in Zambia, or for production in Zambia and distribution to countries in the region with similar vulnerable populations.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Once Upon a Partnership: A Model for Sustainable Fortification Interventions

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This case study provides historical background on a public-private partnership to fortify food in Uganda. The Ugandan Government partnered with a number of oil manufacturers to implement a large-scale, country-wide fortification intervention. In less than 3 years, 85% of the national oil supply in Uganda was fortified with vitamin A.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Micronutrients Global Toolkit

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This toolkit supports governments in their efforts to ensure sustainable vitamin A supplementation and de-worming program delivery mechanisms. It includes a collection of tools on child anemia reduction, maternal anemia reduction, and food fortification.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Micronutrient Powders Consultation Lessons Learned for Operational Guidance

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
The Micronutrient Powders Consultation was an opportunity for working group members to discuss critical lessons learned in operationalizing micronutrient powders and learn about the knowledge and experience of participating country representatives. This report summarizes the preliminary findings on the key lessons learned, as identified by working group members.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Micronutrient Deficiencies in Guatemala: Analysis, Trends, and Call to Action

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This analysis presents the status of micronutrient deficiencies among children under 5 years of age and women of reproductive age in Guatemala, with an emphasis on iron, zinc, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin A, and iodine.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Maternal and Child Supplementation with Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements, but Not Child Supplementation Alone, Decreases Self-Reported Household Food Insecurity in Some Settings

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Micronutrient Interventions
This journal article assesses the impacts of providing lipid-based nutrient supplements to women during pregnancy and postpartum and/or to their children on self-reported household food insecurity.