USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Nutrition and Food Security Impacts of Agriculture Projects: A Review of Experience
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
This document summarizes the Infant and Young Child Nutrition Project's review of more than 30 years of studies examining food security and nutrition impacts of agricultural projects in low-income countries. Findings revealed that it is possible to anticipate food security and nutrition impacts and that agricultural projects can be oriented in ways that maximize positive outcomes.
This orientation package helps stakeholders establish and operationalize multi-sectoral nutrition coordination committees in Uganda. It will be used to strengthen the capacity of nutrition coordination committees at the local government level by providing information on the nutrition situation and the policy environment for addressing malnutrition in Uganda.
Uganda Monitoring and Support Supervision Checklists and Monthly Reporting Form for Nutrition Coordination Committees
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This set of checklists and a quarterly reporting form for nutrition coordination committees in Uganda will be used to monitor, report on, and track progress of nutrition governance and multi-sectoral nutrition action plan activities at all levels of local government.
Uganda Health Management Information System for Nutrition (HMIS) Training Package
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This training package aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of health workers to collect, compile, and report timely, complete, and quality nutrition data, and the importance of quality data for evidence-based decision making.
Manual for Integrating Gender and Nutrition Approaches when Working with Farmers Engaged in Markets (September 2016)
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
This manual has been designed for use by government, private, and nongovernmental extension providers and rural development practitioners who will be planning and implementing village-level agricultural interventions to strengthen their capacity to integrate gender and nutrition sensitivity for men and women farmer groups engaged in markets.
Mainstreaming Agriculture in Nutrition: Lessons Learned from Two Projects that Integrated Agricultural Interventions and Nutrition in Bangladesh
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
This study reviewed two poultry projects in Bangladesh and documented lessons learned, gaps, and recommendations for integrating nutrition in agricultural interventions and delivering nutrition-sensitive agriculture.
This guide provides guidance on nutrition-sensitive livelihood interventions that can help strengthen household resilience and ameliorate malnutrition spikes in Uganda. The guide offers specific advice for 2014 while at the same time recommending interventions that can be developed over time to improve baseline resilience. It is designed for U.S.
Increasing Nutrition Sensitivity of Value Chains: A Review of Two Feed the Future Projects in Guatemala
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project conducted qualitative research to learn how agricultural market development activities could increase the nutrition-sensitivity of specific commodity value chains in Guatemala.
Guidelines for Integrating Nutrition into Agriculture Enterprise Mixes in Uganda: Sensitization/Orientation of District Production Staff – Facilitator’s Guide
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
This orientation document was developed to support facilitators and trainers when they introduce the Guidelines for Integrating Nutrition into Agriculture Enterprise Mixes in Uganda to agricultural extension officers and community development workers.
Guidelines for Integrating Nutrition into Agriculture Enterprise Mixes
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
The overall goal of these guidelines is to strengthen the contribution of agriculture interventions to improve household food and nutrition security in Uganda. The primary users of these guidelines are agriculture officers and their agents, as well as community development workers, all of whom have a critical role to play in guiding the enterprise selection process.
Global Food Security Strategy Technical Guidance on Nutrition
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
This document is meant to helps missions design new and follow-on integrated programming that incorporates nutrition objectives and technical approaches to optimize nutrition outcomes. The U.S. Government's Global Food Security Strategy presents an integrated approach to combating the root causes of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.
Diverse guidance exists on how to best design and use a theory of change. This curriculum presents one method that does its best to align with the requirements of creating a development hypothesis for development food security activities funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Food for Peace.
Theory of Change Based Project Monitoring, Measurement, Learning and Adaptation: Guidance and Methodology
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This document presents guidance, tools, and other resources to help an organization implement a theory of change-based project, including: (1) reviewing and refining a project theory of change; (2) prioritizing outcomes for monitoring, measuring, and learning; (3) iterative monitoring, analysis, reflection, and learning; (4) knowledge generation and dissemination; and (5) adaptive actions.
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project developed this guide to help community members and community groups to improve their technical understanding of vegetable, poultry, and fish farming, with the ultimate goal of increasing adoption of nutrition and hygiene practices for improved health.
This guide helps country teams assess the current status of an intervention’s implementation, management, and results, and streamline the reporting of these characteristics to multiple external partners. The guide is organized into modules that can be selected and sequenced to suit the context for a given country or organization.
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project developed the Farmer Nutrition School Session Guide to help community members and community groups to improve their technical understanding of vegetable, poultry, and fish farming, with the ultimate goal of increasing adoption of nutrition and hygiene practices for improved health.
Participant-Based Survey Sampling Guide for Feed the Future Annual Monitoring Indicators
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This sampling guide was developed to help program implementers conduct participant-based surveys to collect data for select Feed the Future annual monitoring indicators. This updated and revised version reflects the new U.S. Agency for International Development Global Food Security Strategy by integrating the Feed the Future phase two annual monitoring indicators.
Landscape of Nutrition Indicators within Government-Led Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in 16 PEPFAR-Funded Countries
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
In 2014 FANTA conducted a landscape analysis to document the types of nutrition indicators collected at the national level in 16 countries funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief that were implementing nutrition assessment, counseling, and support activities. This report presents overall findings followed by country findings.
The Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) survey tool is designed to be used for rapid small-population household surveys for integrated programs that are linked to communities. It is a flexible tool that allows for surveys to be tailored to various technical areas and combination of areas, while maintaining standards for collection of information for specific interventions.
The U.S. Government's Global Food Security Strategy presents an integrated approach to combating the root causes of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. This guidance on nutrition is one of 18 technical guidance documents intended to provide a shared understanding of key concepts and best practices for designing and implementing Feed the Future programs under the Global Food Security Strategy.