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We found 15 results

Gender Gap Analysis
This analysis reviewed information and identified knowledge gaps in mobility, sedentarisation, and changing generational and traditional systems and social safety nets roles.
Livelihoods Systems in Isiolo and Marsabit
This desk review identified evidence gaps that could be filled by collecting primary data. Its objective was to review knowledge on the role of livelihood systems in the underlying causes of malnutrition in the region.
Social and Behavior Change
This assessment informed the design of social and behavior change (SBC) activities across the USAID Nawiri program in Isiolo and Marsabit.
Natural Resource Management (NRM) Desk Study
This desk study explored how land access and natural resource management (NRM) policies, institutions, and relationships are changing in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs).
Adapted Milk Matters Study
This learning brief presents key findings from USAID Nawiri’s participatory analysis to identify appropriate context-specific, community-defined interventions to increase livestock milk production, directly or indirectly, particularly during dry seasons.
CRS Nawiri Adapted Nutrition Graduation Model (AN-GM)
This document highlights findings from an integrated model piloted in Isiolo and later scaled up in both counties.
REAP for Nutrition Implementation Guide
USAID Nawiri adapted the BOMA Project’s Rural Entrepreneur Access Program (REAP) in a pilot to improve nutrition outcomes among participant households and their wider communities.