We found 73 resource(s)
The Earn & Buy Game (Mchezo wa Kupata na Kununua)
Training Material published by Save the Children in
This resource was developed under the USAID-funded Lishe Endelevu Activity for a Social and Behavior Change Communication project, which targeted girls 15–19 in Tanzania. Materials were adapted from Growth Through Nutrition (Ethiopia). Resources include a a Swahili language training guide, posters, and games aimed at improving nutritional…
Menu Planning Game for Improved Dietary Diversity and Increased Frequency of Eating (Tupange Mlo wa Kila Siku na Ktafunwa kwa Vyakula Vyenye Virutubishi Mbalimbali)
Training Material published by Save the Children in
This resource was developed under the USAID-funded Lishe Endelevu Activity for a Social and Behavior Change Communication project, which targeted girls 15–19 in Tanzania. Materials were adapted from Growth Through Nutrition (Ethiopia). Resources include a a Swahili language training guide, posters, and games aimed at improving nutritional…
Adolescent Nutrition Teachers' Guide (Kuhamasisha Lishe ya Vijana Balehe kwa Kutumia Zana za Mawasiliano ya Mabadiliko ya Tabia Katika Jamii)
Training Material published by Save the Children in
This resource was developed under the USAID-funded Lishe Endelevu Activity for a Social and Behavior Change Communication project, which targeted girls 15–19 in Tanzania. Materials were adapted from Growth Through Nutrition (Ethiopia). Resources include a Swahili language training guide, posters, and games aimed at improving nutritional awareness…
Atlas of Staple Foods in Cameroon
Guideline/Guidance published by RSD Institute in
This atlas provides an extensive list of the staple foods and drinks available in Cameroon, categorized by major food group. It provides brief information on each item, its use in Cameroon, and details on its caloric and macronutrient content in its various forms and commonly derived meals (e.g., raw, boiled, and porridge bananas).
My Healthy Plate
Informational Infographic published by RSD Institute in
This infographic was developed to educate adolescents on the importance of a balanced diet containing the appropriate amounts of food from all the major food groups. It includes a diagram showing the recommended daily servings of each food group, the recommended composition of a plate of food, and important reminders and tips such as consuming…
Guide de formation des vendeurs dans les cantines scolaires
Training Material published by RSD Institute in
Ce guide forme les vendeurs de produits alimentaires dans les écoles aux pratiques sûres de préparation des aliments et à la manière d'optimiser les bienfaits nutritionnels des aliments. Il décrit les principaux groupes alimentaires, les nutriments dérivés de chacun, les pratiques de cuisson hygiéniques et les méthodes de cuisson qui permettent de…
Our First Baby: Health Education for Adolescents Who Are Pregnant Or First-Time Parents
Training Material published by Save the Children in
This Facilitator's Guide outlines nine small group sessions for pregnant adolescents and adolescents who are first-time mothers and their male partners. The sessions address such issues as the care of the mother during pregnancy, exclusive breastfeeding, sexually transmitted infections, and gender-based violence.
Lives in the Balance: A COVID-19 Summit for the Health and Well-being of Women, Children and Adolescents
Video/Animation published by CORE Group, PMNCH in
Lives in the Balance was a virtual summit convened to discuss the health and well-being of women, children, and adolescents during the COVID-10 pandemic. Video recordings of the plenary, breakout, and "marketplace" (brief presentations highlighting programs) sessions are available.