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Nous avons trouvé 56 ressource(s)

Improving Early Childhood Development
Guideline/Guidance published by WHO in
This guideline provides direction for strengthening policies and programs to better address early childhood development.
WHO Antenatal Care Recommendations for a Positive Pregnancy Experience. Nutritional Interventions Update: Multiple Micronutrient Supplements During Pregnancy
Technical Report published by WHO in
The World Health Organization’s comprehensive antenatal care guideline, WHO Antenatal Care Recommendations for a Positive Pregnancy Experience, was published in 2016.
Nouveaux outils pour une programmation de haute qualité en matière de changement social et comportemental dans le domaine de la nutrition
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
S'appuyant sur les expériences des partenaires et les leçons apprises, USAID Advancing Nutrition développe une suite d'outils pratiques pour harmoniser la conception, la mise en œuvre, le suivi et l'évaluation des programmes SBC de nutrition dans les systèmes alimentaires et de santé.
New Tools for High-Quality Nutrition Social and Behavior Change Programming
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
Building on partner experiences and lessons learned, USAID Advancing Nutrition is developing a suite of practical tools to harmonize design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of nutrition social and behavior change programs in food and health systems.
Toy Creation Guide
Guideline/Guidance published by World Vision in
This booklet contains instructions for parents and caregivers to make simple toys for children 0-6 and 6-9 years.
Livert de jeux et de jouets pour enfants
Guideline/Guidance published by World Vision in
Ce livret contient des instructions permettant aux parents et aux personnes s'occupant d'enfants de fabriquer des jouets simples pour les enfants de 0 à 6 ans et de 6 à 9 ans.
The Global Scale for Early Development (GSED)
Technical Report published by Bernard van Leer Foundation in
The Global Scale for Early Development was field-tested and could offer a global solution to the need countries have for good metrics to track their progress toward early childhood development targets in the absence of reliable, freely accessible tools for population-level monitoring of children up to age three.
Youth Power 2—First-Time Parents
Resource Library published by Youth Power 2 in
Young women and men in early adulthood who become parents for the first time face similar challenges that are not well addressed by public health systems and have been overlooked in family planning and reproductive health programs.