Responsive caregiving is the ability of caregivers to notice, understand, and respond to their child’s signals, also known as cues, in a timely and appropriate manner. However, responsive care is not well understood, even though, in many ways, it is the most foundational component of nurturing care. In particular, making the connection between the cues of a child and how a caregiver observes, interprets, and responds to those cues—which can be rather subtle, particularly for newborns—can be difficult to explain to caregivers and those who counsel them. Strengthening the capacity of health workers and other early childhood development (ECD) providers to understand responsive care and improving their ability to effectively counsel caregivers is critical to improving ECD outcomes for young children. Videos are a particularly useful medium for demonstrating responsive caregiving.
To fill a gap of widely accessible, open-source videos that model and explain responsive care practices for counselors and demonstrate good counseling skills, USAID Advancing Nutrition, in collaboration with Global Health Media, developed a series of 10 videos. The videos, captured in community settings in Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic, show real caregiver-child interactions for newborns and young children and counseling sessions during a health center consultation and a home visit. The videos bring global and national technical guidance to life.
The videos can be used during RCEL Addendum trainings and/or for self-learning programs.
Learn more about the videos, how to use them, and tips for organizations interested in creating their own responsive care videos through this information brief.
Access the videos in English, Arabic, French, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish below. A video translation adaptation toolkit for all of the videos is available for those who may be interested in translating the videos into additional languages.
Download the RCEL Video Translation Adaptation Toolkit for English Videos (English, DOCX, 225.26 KB)
Caregiver-Child Interactions GhanaThis video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in Ghana and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz RepublicThis video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Republic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration GhanaThis video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” video but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz RepublicThis video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions GhanaThis video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz RepublicThis video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 5-Step ApproachThis video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz RepublicThis video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 3-Step Approach GhanaThis video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. It follows a 3-step approach to counseling used in Ghana and is narrated to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby CuesThis video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |
لترجمة هذه الصفحة، انقر فوق الزر الموجود في الزاوية اليمنى العلوية على كلمة "English" واختر "Arabic"
Download the RCEL Video Translation Adaptation Toolkit for Arabic Videos (Arabic, DOCX, 351.37 KB)
Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (التفاعلات بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل – غانا)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in Ghana and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (التفاعلات بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل- قيرغيزستان)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Republic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Ghana (التفاعلات بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل مع تعليق صوتي – غانا)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” video but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz Republic (تفاعلات بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل مع تعليق صوتي – غانا – قيرغيزستان)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (طرق ملاحظة التفاعلات بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل – غانا)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (مميزات ملحوظة المميزات بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل – غانا – قيرغيزستان)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 5-Step Approach (استشارة مقدمي الرعاية في زيارة للعيادة: نهج الخطوات الخمس)This video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz Republic (وهي مقدمة الرعاية في الزيارة للعيادة: الخطوة الخامسة – قيرغيزستان)This video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby Cues (أدلة الأطفال الرضع العالمية)This video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |
Pour traduire cette page, cliquez sur le bouton « English » dans le coin supérieur droit de la page et sélectionnez « French ».
Download the RCEL Video Translation Adaptation Toolkit for French Videos (French, DOCX, 755.43 KB)
Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Interactions parent-enfant – Ghana)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in Ghana and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Interaction parent-enfant – République du Kirghizistan)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Republic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Ghana (Interactions parent-enfant commentées – Ghana)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” video but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz Republic (Interactions parent-enfant commentées – République du Kirghizistan)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Comment observer les interactions entre parent-enfant – Ghana)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Comment observer les interactions entre parent-enfant – République du Kirghizistan)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 5-Step Approach (Conseiller les parents lors d'une visite à la clinique: Une approche en 5 étapes)This video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz Republic (Conseiller les parents lors d'une visite à domicile: Une approche en 5 étapes - République du Kirghizistan)This video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby Cues (Les signaux universels des bébés)This video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |
Для перевода этой страницы нажмите на белую кнопку в правом верхнем углу страницы, где указан "English", и выберите "Russian" или "Kyrgyz."
Download the RCEL Video Translation Adaptation Toolkit for Kyrgyz Videos (Kyrgyz, DOCX, 748.67 KB)
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Камкорчу менен баланын өз ара мамилелери – Кыргыз Республикасы)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Republic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz Republic (Камкорчу менен баланын өз ара мамилелери (тексти менен) – Кыргыз Республикасы)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Камкорчу менен баланын өз ара мамилелерин байкоо – Кыргыз Республикасы)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz Republic (Баланын үйүнө көзөмөлдөгө барган үчүрда кам көрүүчүлөргө кеңеш берүү: беш кадамдуу ыкма - Кыргыз Республикасы)This video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby Cues (Баланын негизги бергилери)This video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |
Para traduzir esta página, clique no botão no canto superior direito que diz "English" e seleccione "Portuguese".
Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Interações cuidador-criança – Gana)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in Ghana and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Interações cuidador-criança – República do Quirguistão)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Repuplic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Ghana (Interações cuidador-criança com narração – Gana)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” video but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz Republic (Interações cuidador-criança com narração – República do Quirguistão)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Como observar interações cuidador-criança – Gana)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Como observar interações cuidador-criança – República do Quirguistão)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 5-Step Approach (Aconselhamento de cuidadoras numa visita clínica: Uma abordagem em 5 fases)This video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz Republic (Aconselhamento de cuidadoras em visita ao domicílio: Uma abordagem em 5 etapas – República do Quirguistão)This video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby Cues (Sinais universais dos bebés)This video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |
Для перевода этой страницы нажмите на белую кнопку в правом верхнем углу страницы, где указан "English", и выберите "Russian" или "Kyrgyz."
Download the RCEL Video Translation Adaptation Toolkit for Russian Videos (Russian, DOCX, 799.56 KB)
Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Взаимодействия ухаживающего лица и ребенка – Гана)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in Ghana and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Взаимодействия ухаживающего лица и ребенка – Кыргызская Республика)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Republic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Ghana (Взаимодействия ухаживающего лица и ребенка (с текстом) – Гана)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” video but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz Republic (Взаимодействия ухаживающего лица и ребенка (с текстом) – Кыргызская Республика)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Наблюдение за взаимодействием ухаживающего лица и ребенка – Гана)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Наблюдение за взаимодействием ухаживающего лица и ребенка – Кыргызская Республика)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 5-Step Approach (Консультирование ухаживающих лиц во время визита в клинику: Подход из пяти этапов)This video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz Republic (Консультация ухаживающих лиц при посещении на дому: Пятишаговый подход - Кыргызская Республика)This video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby Cues (Основные сигналы младенцев)This video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |
Para traducir esta página, haga clic en el botón en la esquina superior derecha que dice "English" y seleccione "Spanish".
Download the RCEL Video Translation Adaptation Toolkit for Spanish Videos (Spanish, DOCX, 805.87 KB)
Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Interacciones entre Cuidador y Niño – Ghana)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in Ghana and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Interacción entre Cuidador y Niño - República Kirguisa)This video shows natural interactions between children and caregivers in the Kyrgyz Republic and does not contain narration. It is intended for observing several different types of interactions between young children of various ages and their caregivers. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Ghana (Interacción entre Cuidador y Niño con Narración- Ghana)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” video but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
Caregiver-Child Interactions with Narration Kyrgyz Republic (Interacción entre Cuidador y Niño con Narración-República Kirguisa)This video presents the scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos but with audio narration that highlights the child’s cues and caregiver responses in each interaction. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana (Como Observar Interacciones entre Cuidador y Niño - Ghana)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Ghana” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
How to Observe Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic (Como Observar Interacciones entre Cuidador y Niño - República Kirguisa)This video shows selected scenarios from the “Caregiver-Child Interactions Kyrgyz Republic” videos with a pause-and-reflect or question-and-explanation format to enable viewers to observe and reflect on the interactions. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Clinic Visit: A 5-Step Approach (Consejería a los Cuidadores en una Visita Clínica: Enfoque en 5 Pasos)This video demonstrates an individual counseling visit in a clinic in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Counseling Caregivers at a Home Visit: A 5-Step Approach Kyrgyz Republic (Consejería a Cuidadores en una Visita Domiciliaria: Abordaje de 5 Pasos – República Kirguisa)This video demonstrates an individual counseling home visit in which the counselor is discussing responsive care and early learning topics with a caregiver. This video uses narration to explain what is taking place during the counseling visit. | |
Universal Baby Cues (Señales Universales de los Bebés)This video focuses on common cues that infants and young children at different ages use to communicate how they feel and what they need. This video displays how these cues are universal across different peoples and cultures. Scenarios depicting caregivers and children from both Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic are included. |