Quality programming to improve complementary feeding practices for children 6 up to 24 months is a key component of programming to address a child’s needs during the first 1,000 days. USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition curated this focused set of resources to inform and guide USAID implementing partners to design and implement more tailored, age-specific infant feeding and responsive care and early learning programming during the first two years of a child’s life. As part of the effort, we have compiled a few key resources for implementers to review and consider to improve complementary feeding, including job aids, educational materials for caregivers, and resources on how to design, implement, and monitor complementary feeding activities.
We found 17 resource(s)
Addendum sur les soins attentifs et l'apprentissage précoce
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
L'Addendum sur les soins attentifs et l'apprentissage précoce (RCEL), qui comprend des cartes de conseils, du matériel de formation et un guide de mise en œuvre et d'adaptation.
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
The Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Package, which includes counseling cards, training materials, and an implementation and adaptation guide, was developed to help programs with existing infant and young child feeding (IYCF) components.
Permettre une meilleure alimentation complémentaire : Guide et cahier d'exercices
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
Un changement social et comportemental (CSC) est nécessaire pour améliorer toutes les composantes de l’alimentation des jeunes enfants : une alimentation adéquate, des services adéquats et des pratiques alimentaires adéquates.
Enabling Better Complementary Feeding: Guidance and Workbook
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
Social and behavior change is necessary to improve all components of feeding young children: adequate food, adequate services, and adequate feeding practices.