Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Economic evaluations and metrics related to the costs and benefits of agriculture, food, and livelihood strategies can be highly complex. To bolster understanding of these evaluations, the Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy published this technical brief, which discusses economic evaluation typologies, existing economic evaluation guidelines, and the challenges and complexity of cost-benefit measurement in multi-sectoral actions for nutrition and health.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
According to the author of this brief, during a pandemic such as COVID-19, it is important to shift our thinking about research, material design, and behavior-change communications from a longer process to one that focuses on the most important issues and immediate next steps. This publication provides five tips for quickly and effectively adapting social and behavior change materials that are key in the fight against COVID-19.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Public health practitioners who wish to improve demand for, uptake of, and adherence to multiple micronutrient supplements can look to this guide for assistance. It contains tips categorized into three phases: getting started, project implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The authors incorporate key elements, questions, and data to help practitioners achieve better results.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
While WHO’s Guiding Principles for Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed Child still largely influences the design and implementation of nutrition programs for complementary feeding, implementers—such as caregivers—often face difficulties applying these guidelines to local contexts.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Although evidence exists linking women’s empowerment and improved child human capital outcomes, researchers lack evidence about the relationship between women’s empowerment and child nutrition. This paper examines connections between women’s empowerment and the dietary and nutrition outcome of women, children, and their households by analyzing Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index data from six countries in Africa and Asia.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This document presents the California nutrition and physical activity guidelines for adolescents. The guidelines apply to males and females and address such topics as pregnant and breastfeeding adolescents and adolescent eating patterns, with links to resources.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This toolkit includes a technical report about adolescent nutrition in India, "Adolescents, Diets, and Nutrition: Growing Well in a Changing World," a recipe book for packed lunches and snacks for adolescents in the Indian context, and a pamphlet for adolescents about nutrition, eating practices, and anemia.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This training manual prepares adult Guiders to teach Girl Guides and Girl Scouts ages 7 to 18 in the Africa region about anemia prevention. It addresses the knowledge and skills Girl Guides and Scouts need to change their behavior to prevent anemia and to communicate with their peers and women in their community to help them prevent anemia.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This handbook provides Girl Guides/Scouts with information about how to earn the Girl Guides anemia prevention badge.
Job Posting
The USAID Advancing Nutrition Research & Learning Advisor position is open for recruitment by Results for Development. Applicants are encouraged to apply using the link below. This position is fully seconded to USAID Advancing Nutrition and is based in JSI's Arlington office.