Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This publication summarizes WHO evidence-informed recommendations and principles related to adolescent malnutrition. It complements the WHO recommendations on adolescent health, with an emphasis on the implementation of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions for adolescents.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report focuses on strategies for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating adolescent health programs. It describes key steps in understanding a country’s epidemiological profile, undertaking a landscape analysis, conducting a consultative process for setting priorities, and planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating national adolescent health programs.
Job Posting
The USAID Advancing Nutrition Director of Nutrition & Health Systems position is open for recruitment both by Helen Keller International and Save the Children. Applicants are encouraged to apply through the organization they are most interested in using the links below. This position is fully seconded to USAID Advancing Nutrition and is based in JSI's Arlington office.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This document summarizes the lessons learned and best practices from ten WIFS programs for women of reproductive age (WRA). It is intended to serve as guidance to support advocacy, accelerate planning, and strengthen implementation of WIFS programs for WRA by program planners and managers.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This brief is intended for stakeholders involved in the prevention and control of anemia. It promotes increasing investment and effectively implementing WIFS. Country examples from Ghana, India, and Vietnam are included.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This two-page call to action was produced during the 2017 Stakeholders Consultation on Adolescent Nutrition: Evidence, Guidance, and Gaps. The consultation emphasized the importance of generating and using high-quality data, working multi-sectorally, and engaging adolescents in research, program design, and implementation.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This document provides a summary of the 2017 Stakeholders Consultation on Adolescent Girls' Nutrition. The report outlines the state of evidence, existing guidance, and relevant program and implementation experience. It also includes a list of evidence and implementation gaps in the nutrition of adolescent girls in LMICs and a summary of areas where additional guidelines or policies may be needed.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report reviews the approaches used, practices promoted, and lessons learned by projects designed to improve the nutrition of adolescent girls and WRA in LMICs. It provides information on global programmatic experiences and summarizes inputs, outcomes, and lessons learned from implementers carrying out nutrition programs for WRA. Policy and program recommendations are also included.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report summarizes the results of a study of adolescent nutrition conducted in Kenya, Uganda, Guatemala, and Cambodia on the role of adolescents in family health and nutrition. The report recommends that adolescent nutrition programs incorporate and adapt to the complexities of adolescents' lives and engage adolescents in the design, implementation, and monitoring of programs.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This nutrition education curriculum was used in the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program in Zambia, which focused on girls ages 10 to 19. It includes icebreakers and activities on topics such as the nutrition needs of adolescent girls, the role of food in the body, anemia in adolescent girls, nutrition for pregnant adolescents, and infant feeding from birth to six months.