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Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Focus group discussions with young first-time mothers (FTMs), male partners, mothers, and mothers-in-law to identify norms that influence exclusive breastfeeding found important barriers. For instance, FTMs believed exclusive breastfeeding was uncommon and would result in social sanctions from the community. Trust in and desire to please mothers, friends, and others in their social networks also influenced decision-making.
Job Posting

The ECD Advisor is open for recruitment through five USAID Advancing Nutrition Consortium partners: JSI Research & Training, Save the Children, Results for Development, Helen Keller International, and NCBA-CLUSA.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

The articles in this South Asia edition focus on integrating nutrition interventions into primary health care to prevent and treat wasting, integrating management of children with acute malnutrition in pediatric inpatient facilities, supporting healthy growth in infants in low-resource settings, integrating screening for acute malnutrition into the vitamin A supplementation campaign in the Rohingya camps during COVID-19, exploring the role of multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy, and more.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This guideline includes updated recommendations include multiple micronutrient supplements and vitamin D supplements during pregnancy.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This guideline includes updated recommendations include multiple micronutrient and vitamin D supplement during pregnancy. Viewers must request an invitation to watch this webinar but there is no fee to do so.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Lipid-based nutritional supplements and fortified blended flours are widely used to increase nutrient density of children's diets and improve health. Due to their small stomach size and rapid growth velocity, infants need higher nutrient density foods than do other family members. While foods premixed with fortificants can meet infant needs, their effectiveness is compromised by displacement of other food. Fortified cereals improve diet quality more than other supplementation strategies by displacing plain cereal without altering breastfeeding or other intakes.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Little is known about how urbanization influences infant and young child (IYC) feeding practices, and evidence-based interventions to improve IYC health/nutrition among the urban poor are lacking. To maximize effectiveness, future complementary feeding interventions should include an assessment of diet quality and consider nutrition-sensitive factors during development and evaluation.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This program addresses severe wasting in the context of humanitarian crises. Sustainability relies on a government-owned and -managed approach, a strong policy framework, national and devolved governance architecture, commitment and dedicated financing, and services integrated within a well-developed community health system and delivered by skilled government health workers. Ongoing challenges include supply chain management of ready-to-use therapeutic food, case identification, continuing low treatment coverage, and management of moderate wasting.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

This graphic provides guidance on partners' roles in needs assessment and analysis, strategic response planning, resource mobilization, implementation and monitoring, operational peer review, and evaluation. It also provides detailed steps for coordination, information management, and preparedness. Available in English and Arabic.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Improving food and nutrition security requires broad access to secondary, tertiary, and vocational education and skill development training, and women’s leadership and engagement in training. It also requires commitment to research and development, biotechnology, indigenous knowledge, and information and communication technologies. Greater financial and technical support will strengthen national and regional institutions, increase agricultural output, and improve the efficiency of delivering goods and services.